This F150 vs F200 debate for the 205 tournament (or any other Grady 20fter) is very interesting to watch. I have a 205 with the F150. 99% of the time, it has more than enough power. I fish inshore, nearshore, and cruise/tube with a family of 4 (+ friends on occassion). Sure, if I have 8 people on board with full tank of gas, supplies, etc. ANY engine will pull down some...but the f150 always puts her head down and gets me up and going. I am constantly surprised by the F150's power - despite the big, heavy Grady it's pushing. According to Yamaha service techs/reps, the F150 actually has 165-175 hp at the prop. That, coupled with the much lighter weight of the F150 vs the F200 makes them all but equal. If one truly needs more power, then the F225 is the way to go. The f200 is a wasted engine on the 205, imho...too much weight, not enough additional hp to make up for it, and less fuel efficient too. I get gps verified 4.5+ mpg at best cruise (I have even gotten 5 at times). I pinch myself when I calculate my mpg because those aren't even the numbers grady gets on it's site...but it always calcs out. My point is, the f150 is a great of Yammie's best. It will do the job for most people almost all the time with gusto. Make sure it is propped correctly, maintained correctly, and it'll exceed your expectations too. Just remember, it is not an offshore boat and it is not supposed to tow 1500 lbs!! Just food for thought.