Lucky,I'd be interested to know which liferaft, how it is stored, and how it is inflated. Also, have you (or anyone) tried a practice ditch in lumpy conditions just to see if it works?
Also interested brands / models of all the stuff.
Here is the life raft I have Ocean Safety Standard Offshore 4 Person Liferaft- Valise Packed. I purchased it at BOE Marine. I stow it where the porta potty goes to help keep it out of the way, but very accessible. I only bring the porta potty when the kids are on board, otherwise I have a sweet 5 gallon bucketI live in Hood River OR, on the Columbia river where it gets very windy and rough. We have practiced several MOB drills, but have not deployed the life raft. If you deploy it, it will need a professional repack. The raft has a very easy to see ripcord to pull if you need it. Great peace of mind when you're more than swimming distance off the beach.
My friend in the slip next to me were talking one day and the subject of EPIRB's came up. He told me he has one on his boat and it gives him a better sense of security when going out front. I mainly am in the 5 to 10 mile range offshore when I do go out but would possibly go 15 to 20. With a single engine I am not really comfortable doing the 80 miles to the canyon. My question is, what is the consensus on EPIRB's and do many people have them in their 20 to 30 foot boats?
Obviously an offshore boat needs an Epirb. No argument.
In a perfect world, we'd have plbs on all of our offshore PFDs, and MOB beacons, and a remote kill switch
If you are a small bay and coast boat its hard to justify that expence. If you venture out to 10-15 miles regularly, you need something.
A plb is a poor mans epirb.
I think the inreach is a good sub for a plb.
It does the same function as a plb (push a button satelite SOS with gps position) plus it can leave a crumb trail of positions during your trip that are available to your loved ones and SAR.
and you can communicate two ways.
I just bought a ACR Global fix V4 & Resqlink 400 PIRB Survival Kit from Hodges. There are no stores nearby when you get in trouble.
Search results for: 'acr2349 acr globalfixtrade v4 amp resqlinktrade 40'
I loaded the bag with flares, lights, batteries and VHF in hard case. EPIRB inside cabin on aft bulkhead next to helm. Ditch bag goes under the seat while we are out.
New Horizon VHF 1850 NEMA2000 interface to GPS for DSC.
After all of this I would consider a life raft and the inReach.