Everett / Seattle marine surveyor

Jul 11, 2024
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Greetings fellow Grady lovers. I am hoping to REALLY join the group with the purchase of a 2004 / 300 Marlin soon. Can anyone recommend a marine surveyor in the Seattle / Everett, WA area that can give a 21 year old 300 Marlin a proper runthrough with full hull & transom scope to uncover any water intrusion and real mechanical survey on the 2014 Yami 300's and 2018 9.9 hp trolling motor? I have a good feeling about this one but need to be certain!

Kind Regards
Scarlett > Fire
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I can’t personally recommend anyone locally as I’ve never bought a boat in the area before. When I have bought my boats on the east coast and used a surveyor, I would use either of the two websites below, look up the surveyor or their business on Google and see what their reviews/ratings have been. That’s where I’d start, especially if you can’t get a personal recommendation on here from anyone. Good luck with the search/survey.

Good luck, I tried finding one in the area to look at a Grady 232 I was wanting to buy and all five I spoke with said that they don’t work on boats less than 50 foot in length.
At one point I thought I would conduct my own survey, so I started watching videos on the electronic instruments that measure water to detect hull rot. I came away with the understanding that it’s not an exact measurement. All such measurements are relative to some other reading. In addition those relative readings are affected by whether the boat was in the water recently, and by whether it has paint on it and what type of paint it is. I think a good marine surveyor uses a rubber mallet, his ears and his eyes and the rest is for show to impress the customer with some tabulated data on a chart.
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That’s a pretty clean boat but the price seems a bit crazy. Definitely needs electronics but the engines are a nice upgrade. Honestly I’d take it to Jacobsen’s for it all. They know Grady’s better than anyone in the area. They can do it all. If it was truly dry docked that whole time up till 2022 I doubt you’ll have any hull issues. And the motors are new enough and motors have barely been broken in so I wouldn’t expect issues. But for 120k it better be perfect.

Best of luck. I also have an 04 Marlin currently moored at dagmars.
That’s a pretty clean boat but the price seems a bit crazy. Definitely needs electronics but the engines are a nice upgrade. Honestly I’d take it to Jacobsen’s for it all. They know Grady’s better than anyone in the area. They can do it all. If it was truly dry docked that whole time up till 2022 I doubt you’ll have any hull issues. And the motors are new enough and motors have barely been broken in so I wouldn’t expect issues. But for 120k it better be perfect.

Best of luck. I also have an 04 Marlin currently moored at dagmars.
10-4, and nice to hear your have one as well. We negotiated the price down some and I meet the surveyor there Wednesday. I didn't think the pricing was too out of line given 350 hours on the newer 300's - quite a few deals in Florida and the E. Coast, a handful in CA, but not to many in the PNW. Hopefully she will survey as clean as she looks. She will eventually come down to Astoria and Portland to battle the Pacific, chasing Albies, Halibut & salmon, etc.
I too was looking for you on the east coast... of where you can oftentimes find a much better deal if you're willing to shop around, do the drive yourself or if you pay to have it shipped out her and the shipping costs aren't too bad or anything. Good luck with the search/surveyor on Wednesday and let us know how it goes.
Best of luck! I bought mine primarily for offshore. we do 5-6 trips out of Neah Bay about 30-40 miles out and this is such a perfect vessel for it.
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I too was looking for you on the east coast... of where you can oftentimes find a much better deal if you're willing to shop around, do the drive yourself or if you pay to have it shipped out her and the shipping costs aren't too bad or anything. Good luck with the search/surveyor on Wednesday and let us know how it goes.
Yes, I was resigned to the fact that I'd probably be paying $8k to 10k for a reputable shipper, so finding one in the PNW was great.
Yes, I was resigned to the fact that I'd probably be paying $8k to 10k for a reputable shipper, so finding one in the PNW was great.

It really just depends on the asking price for the boat, your ability or not to travel back east, cost of shipping, etc. I bought my 2004 Grady White 228 Seafarer back in late September of 2021 in Maryland for $26,500... when similar boats were selling, and have sold since then out here or elsewhere throughout the country for $55k-$65k. I flew out, inspected and did a sea trial run of the boat, rented a U-Haul truck and then trailered the boat back myself to just north of Seattle where I live, which was 3,009 miles. The total trip of flying out there, renting the truck, hotels, fuel, food and everything else I figure cost right around $3,500-$4,000. So, I've got probably just under or just over $30k into my boat at the current moment, but it's at least a $55k boat, if not closer to $60k or more... so it made sense at the time and still makes sense for me today. It also still makes quite a bit of sense if you can find the right boat for the right price and either trailer the boat yourself back out here, or find a decent company to ship it for you for a decent price. I looked briefly into having my boat, as well as the two I'd purchased before it, potentially shipped out here but the prices were from $4k-$8k+ and it would take 3-4 weeks to get shipped. So, I did the job myself and am glad I did, as I had no issues and did the job correctly to the way I saw fit. But at the end of the day, I saved half the amount of money or even more on my boat, and there have been several others on the forum who have done the same thing that I did. Unless you can get a good deal locally, which I never seem to be able to do, I always look to the east coast and have bought/shipped 3 boats on my own all from Maryland, as well as saved a bunch of money in doing so. Good luck with the new to you boat, let us know how it all goes and post a few pictures when you get a chance.
I ended up going with Pacific NW Marine Surveying / Rob McCandless - I was impressed with his services and she "tapped out" nicely. Solid hull with a few expected items @ 21 years old that I will address. Hope to have everything wrapped up this week and I proudly join the ranks of Grady owners. I am psyched! WOOOHOOO!
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I was going to say... I'm not sure if someone from PA would come all the way out to the Everett area without charging quite a bit extra, as you'd have to take a ferry each way as well as add a considerable amount of time to the trip before even inspecting the boat. Either way, glad you found a good surveyor/inspector and that the boat was in the condition it was advertised as being in. Good luck with the purchase, hopefully everything else falls in line for you as well.