Evinrude E-Tec any opions ?

that was back in March, during the boats shows in New England....that was also some of the worst economic times over the last year...figured it was prime time for a deal.....guess not
richie rich said:
Len, did you see the new E-tec designed for military boats? Same Etec technology, ie, injectors, control module, etc....but its able to run on gas, diesel, or even jet fuel and your choice of prop or jet drive lower end!

been out for 5 years

mercury has them also

called a JP engine

reason is, the armed forces always have jet or diesel around
R Rich, no good March, winter Florida vacation is over and they are ready to go back to work breaking their chops getting boats ready for launch. They have too much work as is is then.

Go in mid to later November this year, don't miss the boat. If no good, then again in the NY Show or any show around teh holidays. Even if you been in dealer before, go back. What can they say?

Use my lines, not yours.

I'd suggest you really do go to the various brand dealers for a quote, even if you don't intend to buy that particular brand, then use whatever brand low quote and go back to the dealer of the brand you do want and show them and ask if they can sharpen their pencil on their quote.

Still don't see how you found the $10K difference on twins. I can see $500 - $1K per motor.
Thanks Bob.....

the 10k is the difference between buying twin 150's from Ed's vs from a dealer, installed......no matter which pair of counter rotating 150's at Ed,s Etec, Yamaha, Merc etc, they're all around $10,000 each....so I figure his cost and dealer cost are about the same for the engines alone....so the $30k I got quoted turnkey meant the hardware and installation by the dealer made up the other $10k.....thats where I thought I could save some cash doing the engine swap, rigging, wiring and throttle installation myself......the warranty issue is what's throwing a wrench into things....don't want to void it because I did he install, not the dealer.
Rich, you are not going to be able to do it yourself anymore, call Ed's and ask how much you can do yourself to save a buck (tell him you are on a budget), the rules changed since I did it. And Bombardier ETEC never let me do it myself at all (cash and carry), same for Suzie, I did inquire back in 2005.

The dealer has to hang the motors, connect them, fire them up in water. I think. Even Ed's. In other words, you can't dirve your pickup into Ed's and have them load new motor(s) into the bed and drive off. Last time I checked, but that's how it used to be.

You will be able to strip old engines and controls, and perhaps even mount the new controls and pull the elec and mech cables, fuel, that's it.

How much they charge for what's left vs. how much you save I don't know. Dealer wanted about $1.5K per motor labor for the entire job.
So you may still save if they let you do a % of the work yourself.

Some dealers work with DIYers, some avoid them like the plague.

After I finished my job complete and even ran them in driveway, I did want to bring boat into dealer to have him go over everything (even though I didn't have to - already had the warranty cards), but he didn't care to mention a price and scope for this work after I called to schedule a visit in teh Spring. I was willing to pay but didn't like to go in without a firm price if you know what I mean.

So I didn't.

;' sit.