Field replaceable fittings for SeaStar 5/16ID hose


GreatGrady Captain
Oct 12, 2017
Reaction score
Manasquan Inlet NJ
Express 265
Anybody here have actual experience with using Parker part# 2TFMS-6-5b as a permanent fix or to make new hoses out of old SEASTAR hoses for Seastar Outboard Hydraulic steering?
I'm talking about the 1000psi hoses not the 3/8 nylon compensation hose.
These fittings have 9/16-24 thread and an o-ring. Do they fit all the "3/8 tube " fittings? Do they stay on or are there leaks/pop-offs?

I don't but would be interested in what you find out. They sell the bulkhead hoses in 2' lengths. You could buy the entire hose (they come in sets) for around $175. I did that when one of mine burst last year. You basically lose all steering, so having a spare, a bottle of hydraulic fluid and the tube that allow you to hand the bottle are good to have. I didn't look at the non-threaded end that well, but I thought they were a compression fit. How were you planning to do that on the boat? I have twins, the side that burst were 4' in length and easily obtainable within a week. The other side is an odd length; 7'. The closest stock hoses were 6' and 8'. I didn't change them yet, but want to before I splash. I was thinking of the 8'ers and dressing them a little different in the bilge. I was told by Seastar that some of their dealers did custom lengths. I couldn't get any of them to make them up for me.
If your boat is 10 years or older, I'd inspect the motor end. There is an outer plastic anti chafe sleeve (black also) that looks like a boot over the hose. Mine burst right at the end of this, where there was a bend. The end of the sleeve must have rubbed the OD of the hose over the years and created a weak spot. I literally lost steering in about 3 minutes. Luckily I was near the inlet had the twins. I limed back
to the dock using the binnacles to steer. That day and the next week was lost.
Skunk, I used those field replacable fittings a lot when working on the water in the dredging business. They work very well and do not leak or "pop off". The one requirement though. they have to be mated with hose material of the proper spec. We used them extensively on our deck equipment which ran on pressures up in the 3500 PSI range and never had problems.
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So I have put one of these Parker part# 2TFMS-6-5b on a Seastar 5/16 ID 1000psi "Outboard" hose.
FYI, the collar is counter threaded! It goes on a lot easier once you figure that out!!!

I haven't filled the system yet but this seems like a tight solid fitting. I think it will be fine.
That's a good thing because I had to cut 2 brand new crimped fittings off of brand new hoses in order to get them thru the bulkhead pigtail grommets at the motor well.:mad:
It would have been nice to know that before buying pre-made hoses.
I never really looked at it. I assumed that grommet came apart to put around the hose.:rolleyes:

Just got 2 more fittings and will get the Helm/autopilot filled this weekend
I will post that in my Autopilot thread. In this thread I just want to report and share all of the knowledge I have gained regarding fittings and hoses for Seastar"Outboard" helms

First, If I knew then what I know now, I would not have bought 6 new hoses and multiple 3 packs of Seastar fittings.

Seastar"Outboard" hose is rated 1000 psi (Seastar PRO is 1500 psi). It has Parker 1TFMS-6-5b crimped fittings.
These fittings have a 9/16-24 thread which mates to 3/8 Compression fitting threads(the same fittings used on copper and plastic plumbing tubing and are available at HD & Lowes)

This is different than the standard 3/8" nylon hose for inboard and Baystar systems.
Nylon hose has much lower psi rating and uses standard 3/8 compression fittings including the fittings on the the hose ends.
When you search for "autopilot/2nd station kits" they show you HF5501 or HF5502 kits for these. BUT YOU CAN'T USE THEM for your outboard hoses.
The hose fittings are simply 3/8 compression couplers.

The other version they show is below. The T fittings are made with one end 1/4" NPT (MIP) to screw into the helm.
You can't use theses tees if you are "breaking into the lines". You need 3/8 compression threads on all 3 ends.

This picture is confusing also because in several places it is said that you should break into the lines nearer to the cylinders(motor) and not do what this picture shows which is drop a tee off the helm. Notice they warn you not to cut the Seastar "Outboard" hoses. They never show you a Parker fitting or offer one in their brand. They want you to buy new pre-made hoses.

If you are reading this, contemplating installing an autopilot here is my suggestion...
Find a place nearer to the cylinder and cut the existing hoses, put parker fittings on both ends, connect them to 3/8 compression T fittings (#4 below)from Home depot and buy 2 short hoses to connect the T to the pump.
Then buy 3/8 nylon tubing and compression couples for the compensation line

Or..since long hoses cost the same as 2 foot hoses (yes, its true), use long new premade hoses, break in with TEEs and Parker fittings and use old tubing to make 2 footers and a compensation hose.
In that scenario, you buy 2 pre-made hoses ($130) and 5 Parker fittings ($20x5=$100) The old hoses have 4 fittings on them! You get 3 hoses for $100 instead of having to buy 4 for $250..They are sold in pairs.
OH! and if you have a Garmin Shadow drive, you need another 2 footer, so get 6 Parker fittings. You get 4 hoses for $125!!!

The pump will need (#2 below)3/8 compression to 1/4" NPT adapters from HD. You could also get L shaped 3/8 compression to 1/4 NPT(#3 below).

1554512422550.jpeg #1 is a standard 3/8 compression couple. #5 & #6 are Tees with one 1/4 NPT and two 3/8 compression

One end male 3/8 OD Compression and one end male 1/4 NPT (MIP)

3/8 TEEs are just like #4(just throw away the couplers that come with them)

a 3/8 compression Cap from HD fits on the Seastar fitting.
The Helm*** housing end needs 1/4" NPT (sometimes labeled "MIP" or "Brass Pipe")

*** New Seastar Helm housings use an ORB fitting not a 1/4 NPT. Be aware!

+Home Depot fittings are not nickel plated. Seastar fittings that connect to a Helm housing are nickel plated to prevent metal reactions between brass and aluminum.
++Hynautic brand hoses use FLARE fittings not Compression. Be aware!

Seastar fittings are packs of three.

I will edit this post as more pics and info unfolds...
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Halfhitch shared info on these to substitute for ball valves

"What works better than valves on the hose to pump connections are Parker quick -couplers. Parker makes them in bronze. These are on my pump now. The male end goes on the hoses so when you uncouple them it seals the flow and disconnects the lines in one quick motion."

these are Double shut-off (both the coupler and nipple close when disconnected) rated 1000 psi ...Parker BH2-60 for the coupler (Female end) and BH2-61 for the nipple (Male end) (1/4-18 NPTF threads )

Anybody here have actual experience with using Parker part# 2TFMS-6-5b as a permanent fix or to make new hoses out of old SEASTAR hoses for Seastar Outboard Hydraulic steering?
I'm talking about the 1000psi hoses not the 3/8 nylon compensation hose.
These fittings have 9/16-24 thread and an o-ring. Do they fit all the "3/8 tube " fittings? Do they stay on or are there leaks/pop-offs?


easy to install, very reliable.These are stainless steel.
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If your boat is 10 years or older, I'd inspect the motor end. There is an outer plastic anti chafe sleeve (black also) that looks like a boot over the hose. Mine burst right at the end of this, where there was a bend. The end of the sleeve must have rubbed the OD of the hose over the years and created a weak spot. I literally lost steering in about 3 minutes. Luckily I was near the inlet had the twins. I limed back
to the dock using the binnacles to steer. That day and the next week was lost.
Just seeing this again...
I ended up getting custom lengths that matched my originals and replaced both hoses back then. I think the fittings are fine for mods and end replacements. Good idea to have a set in your work bag onboard to fix a hose if needed. You'll need hydraulic fluid and to bleed. I would buy new ones if one fails though.