Fort Myers to Tampa on Saturday


Sep 2, 2014
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My wife and I are scheduled to pick our new to us 2011 Marlin 300 on Saturday morning in Fort Myers, FL and run it up to St. Petersburg, FL. Looking at the forecast I'm not too concerned but would like to hear from some others that know the boat and the trip better than we do. What forecast model do you like for the gulf? I find pretty reliable. Thoughts?
Congrats on the Marlin. We've always wanted one.

Look at online. You can click on any of the stations or markers, then click on forecast, and see the prediction for that area.

Looks to be a bit breezy and wet on saturday, but it really isn't a long run and that's a great boat.
Hey FarmLife;

Congrats on your Marlin. We hope to follow in your footsteps in a year or so.

To your question:

RE: WX Sources. I use Marine Text Forecast & Product Listing. NOAA for anything Marine in Fla.

I would be somewhat concerned regarding the wx on Sat. We have a Tropical Wave passing over us heading N and it's producing widespread rain over Lee county this evening, diminishing overnight. This Wave produces more rain/tstms than your normal seabreeze induced cells.
The Wave will be out of here late Sunday and a return to a more normal afternoon seabreeze-induced pattern will take back over.

The 4cast for Bonita Beach to Tarpon Springs out to 20 Nautical miles is for scattered to numerous tstms, W winds shifting to NW as you get further North past Englewood. Winds are 4cast to blow at 10kts w/ 2 footers; no prob for your Marlin. There is a slight chance you may pick up a wide spaced WSW ground swell from Harvey as it tracks NW toward Texas, but should give you no concern if it exists at all.

Your main concern is encountering any strong tstm offshore which might contain cloud-to-ground lightning. There will be locally stronger winds/seas near any tstm activity.

Can you do it? Probably, but I would watch the wx closely tonite and tomorrow and be open-minded to putting it off a day or two, given the oddball rainy pattern we are now in.


With your Marlin and 10 kt winds, I'd have no problem running offshore from Sanibel to St Pete.
Navigable passes enroute in case you need them are:

1.) Redfish Pass, Separating N Captiva from Sanibel. Marked w/ floating Cans & Nuns. Channel is deep and easily entered.

2.) Boca Grande Pass; Clearly marked shipping channel..deep access all the way in.

3.)Venice Inlet. Jetties on either side. deep and easy to run.

4.) Big Sarasota Pass. Run this only in an emergency. Constantly shifting sand causes shoaling. Check with the Sarasota Yacht Club; they maintain the floating bouys and move them as conditions dictate. Stay out of here unless your in trouble.

5.) Egmont Channel: Accessed from the North end of Egmont Key. From here, head towards the Skyway and pick up the ICW North, or run to St John's Pass and go in there.

Enjoy your new rig & be safe. Watch the sky tomorrow.
I'd run the ICW if it's rough and the only open water would be Tampa Bay. Have done it in my 330. A little slower, but you don't want to run your boat too hard as you get used to it. Offshore storms can get nasty and I've gone both ways from Inglis to Key West and back. Lot's of places to hide if it gets bad. I use "" and local radar for weather info. Have a good trip!
Thanks so much for the advise and forecast links. We have decided to push off the trip until next weekend. It's a holiday weekend and will likely take it slow stopping overnight somewhere along the way. As much as I want to get on the boat I didn't want our first trip to turn into a memory for all the wrong reasons. I've stayed in Boca grande several times but thinking we want to be a little further north around Venice. Can you recommend any places to stop along the way? First stop will be lunch on cabbage key! Where would you head from there?
Good choice on postponing the run: Scattered to widespread rain here w/SW to W winds today and tonite. Increasing to 15 Kts this evening.

I assume your talking about overnighting after your Cabbage Key lunch stop?

Either go out Boca Grande Pass and run offshore 'till Venice Inlet or stay inside and cruise the ICW to Venice; conditions will dictate that option.

If interested in overnighting in the Venice area options are as follows:

1.) Fisherman's Wharf Marina:
Nice floating docks; usual amenities.
The only complication is you have to have a 50-amp adapter for hookup there, if memory serves. (May be wrong on that..) Call ahead to verify..
Located roughly a mile South of Venice Inlet on the ICW/starboard side heading North.

2.) Crows Nest Marina:
Nice, old-timey place..been there forever,
Tidal currents due to the close proximity to Venice Inlet will keep you on your toes docking your 300. If strong currents exist, have a dockhand on the finger pier to help as you approach.
Located to Starboard as you enter the Inlet from the Gulf. If coming N inside, bend to port into a marked channel off the ICW as you see the "Party Island" ahead of you. (A popular local anchorage, and they'll be plenty of boats there over Labor Day Weekend.) Crows Nest is on your port side as you transit the offshoot channel there.

If you decide to motor on to Sarasota I would stay inside and run the ICW due to the tenuous nature of Big Sarasota Pass which I described in my previous post. Unless you run that Pass, there's no way to access the marinas there unless you go all the way to Tampa Bay and at that point, you might as well go on to St Pete.

During your inside run to Sarasota, you'll have to drop your antenna at the first drawbridge North of Venice Inlet. Depending on your clearance, you may need an opening.You'll certainly have to call for an opening at the Blackburn Point Swing Bridge. Other the slow manatee zones and the 25 MPH in-channel ICW speed limit, the trip is issue-free.

Sarasota Marinas:

1.) Marina Jack:
A popular spot since the 60's. Great floating docks, full service;amenities, eateries. Can't go wrong here.
Entrance channel to starboard just before you reach Ringling Causeway. Follow marked channel in.

2.) Longboat Key Moorings.

Very cool place, well-marked entrance to port. Go under Ringling, bend to starboard following the ICW around the shoaling at the New Pass Inlet junction.(See Chart)
Once in open Sarasota Bay eye the tall condo's to your NW and aim for them. You have generally deep water here. Pick up the marked channel into the basin.
This is a calm & quiet spot as opposed to the party atmosphere of Marina Jack. Your choice..either marina is great.

Being a Holiday weekend, I would make reservations at whatever marina you choose to stay at ahead of time.
I've been watching the radar all day and it continues to blow up over that area. That's no way to start 1 of the 2 happiest days of boat ownership :D Fisherman's Wharf Marina sounds like a nice spot to set a course for following an early lunch on Cabbage Key. Maybe stop at the "party island" for a swim when we get there. Really looking forward to this trip and the boat in general. Our boating life was once a regular thing but having kids limited the water time over the last several years. We sold our Grady 20' Overnighter and I picked up a 19-6' Aquasport which doesn't really do it for the Admiral. We have a 3 year old little boy and 7 year old girl that are now manageable enough to get back to being salty. Potty training and ability to swim were holding us back! No joke as I type this my son just unzipped in the backyard to relieve himself before going for a swim in the pool. Maybe we are not 100% there on the potty training but we'll figure it out :doh I look forward to chatting and possibly boating with some of you in the Grady family.
Yeah, with young ones aboard it becomes even more imperative to make the voyages smooth and stress free.

Fisherman's Wharf has a pool, I believe. That's always a good vehicle to lets kids blow off steam after being aboard all day.

This site has helpful & knowledgeable people that check in regularly.

One more thing..(I sound like Columbo..) If your Marlin causes you any problems along the way, Ingman Marine, the local Grady dealer has an office/showroom/service dept. in Placida.
If you decide to stay inside and head North on the ICW from Boca Grande Pass, it'll be 3-4 miles North 'till you get to the Boca Grande Bridge. You'll see the channel entrance to starboard when you have the bridge in sight; it'll say "Gasparilla Marina."
The channel winds a little but is well marked. Hit the harbor office on Vhf #16 and they'll direct you to their working frequency.
Hopefully nothing goes awry, but Ingman can help and you go right by there anyway.
Appreciate that reminder. I've crawled on a few boats at their facility, almost pulled the trigger on a 336 Canyon but there just wasn't enough room for the Admiral in the CC. I imagine we will need to fuel up shortly after leaving the ramp in Fort Myers. Any place better than other down that way?
I would have to know the location of the ramp your splashing in at. Is it upriver on the Caloosahatchee? Is a ramp on Estero near Ft Myers Beach?
Not sure where the Estero ramp is, but no matter.

Assuming your seller didn't leave you a full tank of fuel as part of the deal, head toward Matanzas Pass Bridge on the North end of Estero Island. I don't know the name of the marina, but it's next to the bridge on the island (West) side. It isn't the Pink Shell, which is a little further North.
This marina next to the bridge that I'm spacing the name of has a fuel dock.

There are other marinas on the Bay side of Estero Island North & South. I don't know for certain, but doubtless some have fuel. It's a hot bed of activity and I'm sure you can fuel at one of the joints.

If your Estero Ramp by chance happens to be on the South end of the island, you can fuel at Fish Tale Marina, just North of Big Carlos Pass which marks the South end of Estero. If you fuel there and don't want the long idle North inside to Matanzas Pass, you can go out at Big Carlos; just watch the floating aids marking the channel. The marked channel makes a bend to the South once clear of the peninsulas.

Matanzas Pass on the North end of the island is your route to enter San Carlos Bay if you fuel in that vicinity.. It's well marked & easy.

If your heading to Cabbage Key from there, either Span "A" or Span "C" of the Sanibel Causeway will work. Regardless of your choice, you'll join up wit the ICW and head North, ticking off the daymarks to Cabbage Key.
Once again. TY for the info. I bought the boat from Fish Tale so maybe they will cut me a deal on my first fill up. Probably not but worth a shot!
Your welcome; WX pattern should change as this Low moves NE, returning us to a more normal pattern next week.

Let us know how it all goes!
Mission complete. Safe and sound back at home in Tampa and our Marlin is at home in Saint Petersburg. We ended up departing from Lovers Key boat ramp around noon on Saturday. The plan was originally to leave at 10am but we waited for the weather to clear. Shot up the ICW, fueling at The Gasparilla Marina and continuing up the ICW to Venice. Little rain along the way but it was all good. We had a spot reserved Fishermans Wharf and stayed there for the night. When we arrived the dock master was already gone so I recommend calling ahead on the day you are going to be arriving to find out what spot you are assigned. The food was really good, live music and college football on a bunch of TV's - doesn't get much better! The next morning we walked over the bridge to a breakfast spot called The Upper Crust Cafe and Bakery. Also really good place that's a short walk from the marina. We headed out around 10am and conditions were ideal to run outside so we came out the Venice Pass and set the auto pilot for Saint Pete. The boat handled really well and we are very happy with our decision. Couple things to figure out with the head but I need to do some reading. Basically, I'm not sure how the system works. It flushs as it should but when does the macerator and sump pump come into play?
The sump pump pumps out the shower drain water

The macerator empties the holding tank. Make sure the seacock is open before you press the pumpout button
The seacocks for both the sump pump and the head macerator should be located under the rear bunk. They should be labeled with a yellow tag. As stated above, the sump pump is for the shower. The macerator is for the head. To use the macerator you should turn your head on as well as water and the pump out switch. However, before turning anything on make sure the appropriate seacock is open. Then close it when done. Add some water through the head as you pump out in order to fully flush the tank.
Very solid boat for the size. You will enjoy it.
Congrats on the Marlin and the successful trip.

As to pumping out the holding tank with the macerator, make sure you are in legal waters for sewage discharge. :D