Fuel milage?


Active Member
Jun 5, 2022
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PA. U.S.A.
I forgot to ask when you guys are trolling with your big motors say 200 hp and up to 250 hp how many mpg do ya get just trolling?? I have seen cruse speeds around 3 to 3.5 mpg, just wondered about trolling without a kicker ? thanks.
Lots of variables. Hull type and shape makes a big difference. Basically at 2 to 3 knots, a hull is operating in displacement mode and drag is a function of surface area contacting the water,
So if you want to know specifics, be specific in your question:)
I troll a ton with a single 225 E Tec......hours and hours. Fuel consumption is negligible while trolling. It is running with a bunch of lardasses and a load of fuel and ice in the boat that I think about.
As Seasick said there are a ton of variables too.....2 stroke? 4 stroke? Hull?
I troll the F250s. Usually split run time or run both depending upon conditions. Consumption isn't bad at all, the problem is running slow in the right conditions for me. Sometimes even a single 250 is too much.
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I troll a 225 ox66 two stroke, around 7-8 mph, and slightly over 2 mpg. I get better economy cruising at 30 mph, and just under 3 mpg. Trolling economy might look good, if you are reading gallons per hour, but you're not covering much ground. I would be interested to know if actual mpg is better at trolling speed, in mpg.
I troll the F250s. Usually split run time or run both depending upon conditions. Consumption isn't bad at all, the problem is running slow in the right conditions for me. Sometimes even a single 250 is too much.
Do you tilt the other motor up when trolling on one motor?
Lots of variables. Hull type and shape makes a big difference. Basically at 2 to 3 knots, a hull is operating in displacement mode and drag is a function of surface area contacting the water,
So if you want to know specifics, be specific in your

Lots of variables. Hull type and shape makes a big difference. Basically at 2 to 3 knots, a hull is operating in displacement mode and drag is a function of surface area contacting the water,
So if you want to know specifics, be specific in your question:)
I was Thinking a Grady 22.8 seafarer or a 208 with the seavee 2 hull with a 225 or 250 4 stroke and 2 guys on board with normal fishing gear and ice 1/2 tank of fule ice in ice box I want a boat like this I troll for stripers and walleye, if you know what a 2 stroke would get that would help also, Thanks.
I recently, used 29 gallons ($158.05 at fill up) all day fishing in Atlantic conditions <3ft seas. trolling for stripers and a little bottom fishing for Black Sea Bass. That included going from Beaver Dam Creek, through Pt. Pleasant Canal in and out Manasquan inlet back to the dock the whole day (6 hours), includes >24 miles + or - in a 216 fisherman, 2019. Usually, fully loaded, 40lbs ice, with 3 men aboard and a full tank (80gallons). In and out includes lots of no wake zones and about 2 miles of >3500 RPM flat water each way powered by Yamaha 200 HP. I haven't checked yet but i think the price of Marine gas has gone up at the dock since last week.
I forgot to ask when you guys are trolling with your big motors say 200 hp and up to 250 hp how many mpg do ya get just trolling?? I have seen cruse speeds around 3 to 3.5 mpg, just wondered about trolling without a kicker ? thanks.
MPG doesn’t matter since you aren’t trying to get anywhere when trolling. I’d use GPH and you can get specific information on the GW website for current production models. Older models should be close to current models assuming you have a Yamaha outboard.
MPG doesn’t matter since you aren’t trying to get anywhere when trolling. I’d use GPH and you can get specific information on the GW website for current production models. Older models should be close to current models assuming you have a Yamaha outboard.
Excellent point. I wish I had thought of it:)
You need to consider what species you are trolling for, and the speed required. It is hard to slow troll live bait at 2 miles an hour, with a 200+ engine, and hard to fast troll with a minimum sized kicker. If the kicker would give me the desired speed, at mid range RPM, that would be my choice.
My current Honda BF250D burns less than 1 gallon per hr up to 1000 rpm. That's over 4 miles per gallon if I recall my instrument readings. I can troll down to 2.5 miles per hour at 750 rpm, but bow steer is a problem at under 3.5 mph. This is with a 16" prop that turns just over 6000 rpm at WOT. My previous 3.3L F250 burned more fuel when trolling, but was still in the ballpark. The F250 made a ton of oil when trolling which was why it was replaced.
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I troll a ton with a single 225 E Tec......hours and hours. Fuel consumption is negligible while trolling. It is running with a bunch of lardasses and a load of fuel and ice in the boat that I think about.
As Seasick said there are a ton of variables too.....2 stroke? 4 stroke? Hull?
Have you ever used trolling bags to slow down your troll speed, I used home made ones that I used on my lund boat trollin for lake trout and stripers got me down to 1.8 mph. 4 stroke but that was a 60 hp.
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You need to consider what species you are trolling for, and the speed required. It is hard to slow troll live bait at 2 miles an hour, with a 200+ engine, and hard to fast troll with a minimum sized kicker. If the kicker would give me the desired speed, at mid range RPM, that would be my choice.
I know what you mean I used to troll for stripers with a 60 hp 4 stroke but used trolling bags to get speed down to 1.8 mph but Im going to be getting a grady somtime in the near future, a 208 or a 22.8 with at least 200 hp or up to 250 with a 22.8 have you ever used trolling socks ? if so did it help? the boat I used to have was a lund but I have grady fever and I know what I want. alot of my fishing will be on raystown lake PA. and some Lake Erie. alot of times I down line for stripers and lakers, but like to troll swim shads faster. I used to slow troll live alwife with a trolling motor but I dont see many Gradys with them, just kickers.
Have you ever used trolling bags to slow down your troll speed, I used home made ones that I used on my lund boat trollin for lake trout and stripers got me down to 1.8 mph. 4 stroke but that was a 60 hp.
No...I haven't used a bag. I troll out in the ocean and wind and tide affect my speed quite a bit. I would be constantly taking the bag in and letting it out again every time I turned. I can get down to 2mph though...so I am really ok without it.
My current Honda BF250D burns less than 1 gallon per hr up to 1000 rpm. That's over 4 miles per gallon if I recall my instrument readings. I can troll down to 2.5 miles per hour at 750 rpm, but bow steer is a problem at under 3.5 mph. This is with a 16" prop that turns just over 6000 rpm at WOT. My previous 3.3L F250 burned more fuel when trolling, but was still in the ballpark. The F250 made a ton of oil when trolling which was why it was replaced.
I am with Doc in these numbers. I mainly troll for dolphin/tuna anywhere between. 5-7 knots. I burn like 1.5 gallons an hour . I have a Yamaha 4.2 liter F250 and it doesn't make oil . At cruise say 4,000 to 4,200 RPM if seas allow I am burning between 9.5 to 11.2 gallons per hour . My average miles per gallon are around 3.2 and I turn a 4 blade power tec OS4 prop .

I suppose if youre slow trolling for those cold water fish a kicker might be better.
I had the same questions, so I emailed Grady White to ask them if they had the "performance data" sheet for roughly the same vintage 228 Seafarer as mine as well as a Yamaha F225. Which they emailed me back a copy of and as you can see, pretty much anything under 1,500 rpm uses next to no fuel at all, or at least 2 gph of fuel isn't going to make me lose sleep at night haha.

GW 228 Seafarer Performance Data with F225.jpeg
If you're looking at other models that are still available, the Grady White website has all of the "performance data" for all of the boat models that they currently still sell. For the 228 Seafarer since they no longer sell it, you can still find the information here with a Yamaha F250 or a Yamaha F300.

No...I haven't used a bag. I troll out in the ocean and wind and tide affect my speed quite a bit. I would be constantly taking the bag in and letting it out again every time I turned. I can get down to 2mph though...so I am really ok without it.
that 2 mph speed is fine for lanlocked stripers with swim shads and umbrella rigs. thanks.