future grady models...40 ft express

Thanks Capt. Bill and everyone..
Those are good suggestions, I will practice them when I get the 232 out next.
What I seem to wind up doing when the wind hits me wrong is use both engines as a single, and revert back to my days of handling my 22 Seafarer single...
That gets aggravating, as I HAVE the twins and get frusterated that I can't get out of them what I'm after.
I'll hoist a cold one in all your guy's honor when I get a little better.

Hope everyone's New Year is good..
My Marlin is much easier to dock then my previous Sailfish. The reasons are more weight, slower motion, and increased spacing of the engines.
I don't have the thruster and have never felt I needed one. Our marina is set up in long piers however. If I had to negotiate a tight slip and ripping current, I would probably feel a lot different.
One of the best docking "tools" that you can have is a deckhand with a boat hook at the ready!

I typically carry two boat hooks and will have one ready at the stern for me to use if need be as well as a person on the bow with the other one and dock lines that are already attached to cleats.

A dock line already on the spring cleat and readily available is also invaluable.

If you trim the engines up a tad, you might find that your twin will spin a bit better in reverse.

Now, back to the subject at hand. I would LOVE to have a bigger G-W Walkaround with twins! How big of a boat (length, weight & beam) can be run with twin 350s? 400s? 450s?

I don't think that anyone REALLY wants triples. My Intrepid 377 buddy would LOVE to get rid of his triple 250s for a pair of whatrevers someday! The third engine is only there because two was not enough thrust. I figure that the manufacturers are leaning on the engine builders to develop bigger, more powerful 4-strokes so that they will then only need to hang two of them off the back.
Right on Gary!

Big twins would be the ticket over trips if they provide enough omph!
There is a following for a 33 w/a and I often wonder if GW is interested given the continued success of the Marlin against the new express center helm models. Even 33 owners often complain about the helm access due to the seating. It is even tighter on the 305. Some of us like that easy and quick access from cockpit to helm. It is very important when fishing a 2 man crew where the captain needs to help in cockpit.

It would be very cool if there was a good way to modularize the design so a person could order either layout. It would take some changes since the hardtops and cabins are different but it may be doable. Whether it is cost effective is another matter. Some Rampage models have configuration options in the cockpit.