Garmin GPS Recommendation


GreatGrady Captain
Nov 5, 2007
Reaction score
Crisfield, MD
Can any of you recommend a unit with a 6" display? Thanks. Yeah, it's gotta be a Garmin. Have one in an airplane, had one in my other boat, they get the job done.
Well at this point I'm not much help as I just purchased a 98-208 and need to upgrade the orginal equipment and would also like to stay with Garmin as I have a 496 on the boat I'm selling and with the winter rolling in I don't think I'll be removing the old unit from the 208 and sizing up the 496 or other units.I would like to make a bait station between the rear cup holders also.I'll keep you I mind if I get anything.
Is Everything Really Touch Screen?

I looked at the Garmin website, and all the newer units with 5 inch screens and larger were touchscreen. I would much rather have buttons than the touchscreen feature..I hope I am wrong about the newer Garmin units. Am I looking in the wrong place?
why only 6" screen? there are mounting options if space is an issue.

also, the touch screens are really great. i have dual 5212's. i remember when garmin introduced them and they were getting trashed. until of course all the other mfgs came out with theirs, which are now the best thing since sliced bread. ron
Another ++ for the 498. i swap it back and forth from my seafarer and whaler. i know it's discontinued, but i like it better than the newer 541.