Geez, I envy you Fla and SoCal guys


GreatGrady Captain
May 14, 2007
Reaction score
I am anxiously awaiting switching out my 208 for a new 225. I went down to my boathouse near the Chesapeake Bay today to fix up some things, and although it was unusually warm (45) I couldn't help but think of how nice it would be to take out the Grady year round.

You guys are lucky.
I think I'll take the 3 months of winter layup over the hurricanes and earthquakes. :D
Protek9543, you are right!

Out here in So Cal we don’t get Hurricanes, and Earthquakes don’t matter if you’re at sea! Resulting tsunami’s are another issue, but again, being 20 or so miles out is where you’d want to be. So the goal is to stay out on the water as much as possible, just in case.

We don’t have the boating options you do on out East with all the inlets, islands, cays, canals and bays. Here it’s harbor cruising or open ocean – which you grow used to I guess. However, we do have tuna and other varieties relatively close....within 40 miles or less in season.

A 200HP on my 208 could be seen as overkill because you rarely get conditions where you can throttle down out there. Traveling up and down the coast to visit other marina’s is something we plan to do more of in the near future.

It will be in the 70s this weekend here in SoCal and my wife is busy, so I’m zipping over to Avalon on Catalina Island for the day/night. Forum member Chum-Along plans on doing some lobster fishing Sat night. We’re loaning him our slip for convenience – in exchange for some more lobster tail of course.

Cheers and all the best!
If you look at history, the flurry of hurricanes in FL was an anomoly. I've lived in the NE (NY,MA), Mid-west (OH, IL), South (VA,GA,NC) and finally in FL. My vote is FL!
Family, Friends and Career are what's important to me..I have a great 232, a great trailer, and am blessed to be able to take it wherever.

Weather is secondary...It always warms up eventually in Indiana.