Generator fuel gauge


Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2009
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So my 2007 Marlin owners manual shows a Generator Fuel gauge installed in the cabin ...HOWEVER !! The only gauge is a mechanical gauge mounted on the Diesel tank... I would like to mount an electrical diesel fuel gauge in the cabin or somewhere visible. Wouldn't it be nice if the wiring was already in place !!! ??? I doubt that very much ... So can someone with a factory mounted gauge give me some information please... Where is the gauge actually located ? Is it always powered on ?? I saw a picture of a gauge mounted on the generator control panel on a 336 . My panel looks the same but without the gauge installed ...So any information would be appreciated and get me started in the right direction ..
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Same here. There are wires on the tank, but no remote gage.
not ab exact comparison, but the genny gauge on my 305 express is next to the electronics board in the cabin. Its on when ever the house battery is switched on.
I put a request for information in to Grady ..... let's see if they respond .... I will have to look again to see if the wires for remote gauge sender wires are near the tank ..... If they are , I wonder Where they are for the gauge ????????

I saw a picture of the Generator control panel from what I believe was a 336..... the gauge is mounted between the transfer switch and the generator controls....BUT, It seems to be a longer control panel and would not fit in the Marlin...

I removed my Marlin Generator control panel to take a look. I did not see any wires that I would associate with a Gauge or sender ...
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So my 2007 Marlin owners manual shows a Generator Fuel gauge installed in the cabin ...HOWEVER !! The only gauge is a mechanical gauge mounted on the Diesel tank... I would like to mount an electrical diesel fuel gauge in the cabin or somewhere visible. Wouldn't it be nice if the wiring was already in place !!! ??? I doubt that very much ... So can someone with a factory mounted gauge give me some information please... Where is the gauge actually located ? Is it always powered on ?? I saw a picture of a gauge mounted on the generator control panel on a 336 . My panel looks the same but without the gauge installed ...So any information would be appreciated and get me started in the right direction ..
Same here. Following
No response from Grady yet..... I have sent again
My 2007 330 has A mechanical gauge on top of the tank with wires protruding that have been cut. There is no gauge on the generator panel or anywhere in the cabin. The mechanical sender is a standard variable resistance type. I have considered installing a gauge and running wires into the cabin but haven’t gotten around to it. Should be a simple fix.
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My gauge is separate from the generator panel and just mounted into the cabin bulkhead. Fuel gauges are pretty simple animals. Fuel tank sender should have a pink wire and a ground. Pink goes to gauge and ground to a ground on the tank. Gauge has 3 terminals. One for the pink sender wire, one for a ground and one for a 12v source thats energized by the battery switch .The gauge can be mounted anywhere that has convenient power and ground source. Pink wire is the one that has to make the longest run.
Hi Dhrish ..... did you install or factory ?? do you have a picture of the gauge ??

Well after 3 attempts ( 2 to Tech support and one to customer service) to communicate with Grady about this, I have had no reply .... a little disappointing !! So much for Grady's Highly rated customer service .. On another note: I looked for wires at or near the diesel tank ... I wasn't as lucky as some !! LOl