..........But my return trip (into a steady SW wind and 3-4' seas) is what has me concerned (probably too strong a word and those of you with knowledge may tell me this is normal): It seemed that every time I'd get up to planing speed the RPM's would increase on their own and the boat would quickly accelerate into an uncomfortable speed for the conditions. I'd throttle back, which would cause me to lose plane, and the RPMs would drop down... and so on. I just couldn't find a sweet spot on plane because I'd keep accelerating too quickly for the conditions, and eventually I just decided to plow on at around 8-10 mph (2100 rpm) which was at least comfortable. Does this seem normal or would you suggest I get something checked out? Thanks very much for any advice. Other than those sea conditions and the question I have, the boat/motor ran like a champ.