Gman25's NEW MARLIN*****New Pics*****

Cummins... I'm sorry to hear that. That's like getting punched in the stomach. Hope they catch those guys and I hope that didn't put too big a dent in the start of your fishing season.
Thanks guys.

Suck it does. This is my third time but we cannot risk an insurance claim so we'll have to eat this one. The last 2 were $5K each. The cost will be around $1300 plus fiberglass repair for the cabin door brackets. The bastards lucked out and missed my alarm going in but tripped it coming out (it appears). That save more loss I supposed. I am looking into addition sensors. It could have been worse.

Another bummer... 2-3 ft seas tomorrow but I didn't plan to be off. A bunch of folks are headed in search of tuna. Sigh... :(
Mega, maybe not a good idea to lock the door. If the bastards are going to get in anyway, set up a sensor when the door opens the alarm goes off.( Then set up the laser beam that turns them into dust. :lol: ) Just a thought it will be one less thing to fix.If they want in, the cabin door lock wont keep them out.
New Boat

Beautiful!! I Know the feeling. I am dunking my sailfish tomorrow. Congrats and enjoy!! Mega Man 8) :D
Here are a few pics of her at her new home.




2005 300 Marlin w/F250's
:lol: :lol: SCHWEEEEEET!!!!!!....She looks beautiful!!! Good luck with her....Now, go get some blood on that squeeky clean deck!! :wink:
beautifull looking rig...
ps... did you send megabytes his Furuno commission yet? :lol:

Best of luck with her...
Thank you all. I cant say enough about the way she rides. I've only been out a couple of times(no bloody decks yet-hopefully this weekend). Just taking her out getting used to how it operates, the electronics, and looking for that optimum rpm/fuel burn. I ran from my dock to the inlet the other day(12 miles) and she only burned 1 gal more then my sailfish w/200 HPDI's. Very happy about that with todays skyrocketing gas prices.And the bow thruster?How did I manage all these years without it :lol:

2005 300 Marlin /F250's
Where do you store your boat that you have had these 3 breakins? Have you filed police reports? Think they would up patrols.
Just would like to know should I need to switch marinas.As you know a cordless drill is all that is needed to remove most cabin doors.
It is in a dry stack. The jerks get over a fence and have their way. We have filed reports but nothing ever happens. My new boat has a alarm which is why I was so surprised. I need to add more sensors sinec it appears they didn't set off the alarm until coming out of the cabin.