gps antenna instalation


Feb 21, 2008
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new to the site looking for some suggestions. bought an 85 overnighter late last season gps antenna was connected but not mounted it would'nt pick up a fix would only occasionally give speed. I'm wondering where the best spot would be to mount reciever there is no hardtop or arch.Any suggestions? Looking forward to a long season of fishing
Check out the upper right corner of the ebox for the flush mounted GPS antenna.
You may have a problem with the unit or antenna itself if It will not pick up the satallites and lock on to them. you should have no problem with this if you have it in a stable location with nothing overhead. You did not mention what kind of unit this is or antenna. I would suggest you call the manufacturer and tell them your problem thier support dept should be able to advise you. I have a Garmin unit now, I have had others that had the same problem of which I sent back and they had to repair. I have not decided where to mount mine yet. I have mounted my antenna up on my dash under the windshield with industrial velcro strips because I choose not to drill holes until I choose a location. It was there all last summer and I had no problem. You may have the antenna cable rolled up an stored next to electrical wires that are causing interferance problems. You may want to go to your manufactures web site and download installation instructions and if every thing is done correctly, It may need to go back for service.
If you take a swivel mount and add a extension, they come in diffence lengths,1 foot to 8' you can mount it on the cab side. Thats the way I've seen it done, I have a hardtop, but needed a extension to get above the radar. Did that help at all? :shock:
thanks freddy and fishgo after looking at 1st g's photo seems like I need to contact mfg. cause if that works there's no reason mine shouldn't.
I agree, it could be the antenna itself, they are known to crack and stop working. I had my sent back to the manufacturer and replaced and now it works perfect. As for 1St Grady's location, my location is similar, I mounted it center line on the dash, once in a while, maybe 1 trip a season I will have issues getting a gps fix, after doing research I found that the windshield metal can block the gps satellites from reaching your antenna. If I were to mount the antenna again or on a new boat, I would do as freddy mentions, buy the extension and mount it like your vhf antenna is. You will place it high and with nothing interfering with it, well worth the money IMHO. One of those days I had issues was in fog....not a fun day.