Grady 307 owners


Active Member
Jul 15, 2023
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Freedom 307
I have a 2016 grady 307, twin yami 300's ... was curious how others are crusing ..

for me, always have big trim difference. dont even touch strbd but port needs at least 3-4 'lights' on the down level indicator.
The live well is empty - doesn't matter what level the fuel is at - always the same list going on.

I cruise at 30mph, 4100rpm, the bow is pretty high, but level.
tried getting the bow lower, added trim tab down on strbd side, then even more down on port .. it did drop the bow to a more level position but I lost 5mph.
it is hard to hold on a straight course, even in calm water.

turning, even a little, always drops the bow port or stbd significantly.

tried messing with the engine trim - went to more of a mid level trim - gave me a bunch more rpm and more control.

I run with the live well empty - would you think the list is to compensate for the weight of the well full?

just sitting at the dock, there is a obvious list to the starbd side.... it carrys over to this awkward crusing tilt if not managed with the trim tabs.
depending what speed, the trim tabs can't always compensate for it.

just wondering how others are running.

is this normal:

Not the same boat but rather similar;
I cruise 24 knots @ 4000 rpm or 27 knots at 4300 rpm, not the best, but acceptable.
Yes, bow is a bit high but not particular high and if i do 2 lights of tabs she ride almost flat.

it did drop the bow to a more level position but I lost 5mph.
it is hard to hold on a straight course, even in calm water.
Yes, as more the trim tabs are down as more drag they make and you loose speed, thats normal and about same on mine
hard holding course means most likely that she bow steer as you push the bow too much down using the trim tabs, reduce it till she don't bow steer.

1° tuck engines all in and accelerate her to planing speed
2° trim up the engines to about half, in any case till engine sound changes and if too much you loose speed and propellers ventilate
3° if you need bow more down then first use engine trim and if not enough then use trim tabs, 1-2 lights on should be enough

Outboards all tucked in steal speed as well, AV plate should be parallel to water surface that propellers push only forward
Verify your weight distribution, too much people and gear after lead to bow high and bad fuel economy due excessive trim tab use.

Regarding listing, my does not list if i am alone, she list if 2 people are on one side and thats more or less normal and you should move people/gear and not use trim or trim tabs to correct that.

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that all makes sense and along the lines of what I was trying - running way better now.
thank you

that listing that bugs the heck out of me - lists with nothing in it, not people associated.
I don't have your boat (I have 33 Express) but that list on yours is noticeable. If not center mounted, there are batteries and a fresh water holding tank that can affect list somewhat. I assume your fuel tanks and generator are center mounted. Puzzling???
Forgot about the water tank, that full with live well empty seems like the culprit.

Thank you all for your replies
I also have a 307 with twin 300's (2020). i experience the same listing that you describe. Need at least two lights on the down trim to level out when on plane. Just recently noticed that it lists when docked in its slip, similar to your photo. I just bought the boat this year, so am still learning the nuances. I don't think the live well would make a difference, as it just isn't that big. Batteries (4 of them) are center mounted. Need to investigate the impact of the water tank. It looks like it's center mounted in the stern, but will see if running with it empty versus full makes a difference. Still trying to figure out if the amount of fuel in the tank makes a difference.

Will post again once I check a few of the possible causes.
My 2004 300 Marlin have to Trim the Starboard tab down 2-3 I believe it is the 4 batteries under the back Port box