grady club in south jersey


Active Member
Sep 23, 2021
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Express 330
anyone want to get a grady club started in south jersey i keep my boat in ac
What would said club do………
I’m in LBI and plan to go out for the AC boat show….maybe we can ask the coasties to mark off a Grady- only section?
We fish in the Axel Carlson Reef mostly and go north from there. Also fish Barnegat Bay. So how far north would said South Jersey Club Start? Manasquan Inlet, Belmar, Shark River? Some of the folks at our marina overnight in A.C.during the week. So that is a nice ride on a nice weather day like today. Are there places (restaurants) south of Bay Head that we could meet and have lunch. Then again we could raft up at Tice's Shoal at Island Beach. It would be a nice week day run from South or North for everyone.
First year with boat in nj. Im on the metedeconk and can’t say I’m happy about it! Thought it would have been good being in the middle but too far from anything namely fish! Lol. Either go through Jersey rapids to get to manasquan inlet 45 min or 45 min to Tom’s river… need to move next year any suggestions?
It all depends on where you dock your boat. Close to either inlet costs less in time and fuel. Further away costs less in rental fees but potentially gives more in amenities. Both inlets can be dangerous to traverse when they shoal up and tides and wind are nasty. If you time your ride through the Pt. Pleasant Canal it can be smooth. We avoid it when the traffic and tide changes are heavy. Good luck finding a balance that works for you.
I’m thinking either manasquan or shark river. Know of any issues ok g out at low tide in shark river? Water seems really shallow…
The closer you get to the Manasquan inlet the greater the tide changes, up to 9 feet and the greater the $$$$$$. There are home owners on the river that rent slip space but could be an issue at low tides and access. Waiting for the bridge to open while you are in the ocean off Belmar on an incoming tide can be hairy. Look everywhere there are pluses and minuses. You have to find what you can tolerate.
Good luck with your new boat I’m in ac
I bought my 208 earlier this year and am berthed in Waretown. Would be psyched to plan a GW day.

Waretown is 30 miles down the parkway from Brick and you need to Navigate the GSP traffic slowdown through Tom’s River. On the plus side it is a very fast traverse to Barnegat Inlet and the inshore fishing spots, of course bay fishing and sandbar spots for non-fish days. Pretty pleased so far. Key Harbor Marina is nice and there are some smaller Marinas like Leamings where I am berthed. Can get down the ICW to Egg Harbor and AC, or go on the ocean side.

Seems like a lot of boats in Forked River, slower to get out of the harbor but still a short ride to Barnegat inlet. I am still finding my way around.
if I had a big boat to go to the Canyons, might cut that trip shorter being out of Manesquan? More experienced NJ captains would know.
Good to hear from you all from Jersey. Our coast line is fairly long as in reality NJ is a peninsula surrounded by water on three sides. Delaware River, Delaware Bay Atlantic Ocean and Hudson Bight. Those of us protected by Barnegat Bay and the Barrier Islands are fortunate as the tides are much more gentle than on the estuaries. Meeting up can be problematic for those on the ends or near to inlets.
I've always liked to take a run down closer to Barnegat inlet, Clam Island to be more precise. It is really clean water in that treading for clams with a license is permitted there, or at least it used to be. Then again all along the bay side of Island beach state Park the water is relatively clean for swimming as there is little or no residential build up nearby. That is where Tice's Shoal is located but that can become very busy in the summertime. We avoid swimming in the Bay and Rivers after big rains. Too much fecal matter gets washed in from animals and septics. So that is another consideration. I would say pick a location somewhere most of us are willing to travel to in a reasonable amount of time and the weather and water is clear. If it comes to fishing I would think nothing of running out of Manasquan Inlet and have been known to take a trip up to Raritan Bay for stripers for a day of trolling. It takes me almost an hour (>3 gallons of gas) to get clear of the inlet from where I'm docked.
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When I bought the boat I drove it from Alpine NJ (on the Hudson across from Yonkers, down through Raritan bay and around the Hook, through Barnegat inlet to Waretown. 3 ft. 6-7 sec day with southerlies and a quartering head sea going down the shore. About 100 miles and 4.5 hours I’d go back up for a good meet. Can overnight in the cuddy or find an overnight berth in Atlantic Highlands or up the Shrewesbury river if needed. Same for AC, which is an easy day trip.

Well there is a place Sun Harbor with a decent restaurant,bar and lots of anchorage right by me. The chart shows really shallow when I went in on the marked channel. A big Grady Freedom 33’ ?? Then motored straight out so that’s not an issue anchoring there. I can take my little boat and run us to the bar. :)

Or meet up by Brick maybe Comstock will host us!
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Comstock is our dealer and is ten minutes away from our slip. If it were there I'd be there in no time. That's where we get our gas on Wacky Wednesdays when they discount it for those that ask for it. Let's set a date and a raindate
on a weekday or after Labor Day most any day to avoid the crazies.
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The closer you get to the Manasquan inlet the greater the tide changes, up to 9 feet and the greater the $$$$$$. There are home owners on the river that rent slip space but could be an issue at low tides and access. Waiting for the bridge to open while you are in the ocean off Belmar on an incoming tide can be hairy. Look everywhere there are pluses and minuses. You have to find what you can tolerate.
We’re on Manasquan river and the tides are nowhere near 9’. They are 4’ max and 3’ is typical.
Looking forward to working on pulling together a meet next summer. I am centrally located in Waretown (5 miles across the bay from Barnegat Light) so am lucky, would be happy to go up to Brick or down to AC. My 208 is pretty light on amenities but I have the basics covered! We should follow up early next season and pick a weekend. Lots of GW’s in Jersey, would love to see your boats.
Hey guys, new around here; just closed on my first Grady, a 265 Express and am in the Glimmer Glass on the Manasquan.
Would be very interested in doing something so please keep me in mind!
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