What is most popular color for Gradys - white? does the color last the longest? what is second longest lasting color - Coastal Fog? Do you have to put 2 coats of wax (spring and summer) every year if you leave on mooring all summer? Thanks
Historically there was only one color but it isn't white. It's an off white tint. In the last dozen or so years, colors have become popular but I suspect the Grady 'white' is still the most popular. Also in general, light colors will fade less quickly than darker colors in the sun. Darker colors will show oxidation quicker. If you are leaving your boat at a mooring, you should be more concerned about hull growth than the gel coat.
I have a Coastal Fog Grady. It is in the water from May through October. I wax the hull in the boat yard where it is stored in April. Depending on the condition of the gel coat I will either do a two stage cleaning or a three stage cleaning. It usually comes up great.