Imo the area code for the phone number being out of state alone isn't by itself necessarily an indicator that it's a scam as lots of people move to different states and keep their old phone number. I think if you were to see an out of state phone number with very few pictures that didn't show the registration numbers on the side, an asking price that was half of what it should be worth and so forth...? Then that would honestly make me think it's a great possibility of being a scam. It's always possible that someone just saved pictures of a boat that previously sold from Florida and that they're using here, though from what I've seen the scams usually have 2-3 very blurry at best pictures that don't show any registration numbers or anything on them. That and as mentioned above, their asking price is typically half of what they should be asking for. Like I mentioned, it still could be a scam, though my gut instinct on this one is saying no, if anything I think the guy has the boat priced a bit higher than what it's worth, although again that's just my opinion.