Grady owners need to check this out!!!

I checked out the inventory and talked with Bill Baert. Its all on the level. I'm going to see if I can sell my Tournament 225 (which I love) and buy one of Baert's boats. Any suggestions you guys have for moving my 225 in this economy would be welcome.
I saw the pricing and it really was not unbelievable on the smaller boats. The 222 Fisherman for eaxmple was $57K. No electronics or trailer. Then add the tax and you are at 65K. That deal was here 2 years ago. Big deal. Maybe the bigger boats are discounted more but the smaller ones were no fire sale IMO.
Good point. You are probably right on the smaller boats. The larger two 2009 boats seemed to have better discounts. E.g. the 275 @ $88K comes with all equipment, all coast guard required items and bottom painted. No electronics. Same deal for the 360 @ $299K. Do these numbers hit you as more attractive?
I don't doubt that any of these prices aren't true. I've been told that Sea Ray has ~40% margin in their pricing. I know from an ex dealer that BW used to have ~33% margins in their Outrage line. Remember that most of us don't buy boats all that often, so the sellers have to make it when they can. When I bought my Tournament 225 in May '08 I got 21.5% off MSRP and things were still pretty good back then. Dealers have to make a profit if they're going to be there to care of us after the sale. They just don't have to make it all on one sale!
Striped Bass,

If this deal is for real and it includes their "Captains Package", freight, dealer prep and bottom paint it is a great deal at $88K. If you cut the deal two things, first we need to talk on the equipment that they supply on the captains package and second if you are at the point of pulling the trigger come up look at the boat and then spend the afternoon on my boat to make sure it is what you hope for it to be.

Baert is a very good dealer (even though I am not happy with them for locally tanking the value of my boat, but that’s life) you cannot go wrong with them. The service manager is the best I have experienced and I am a royal PITA.