Grady White 180 - Yamaha F150

Glad to hear. I didn't follow up on my first post regarding wondering about proper trimming when you didn't respond to it... but do you think this was the problem all along?
Thanks, and apologies. No - the engine wouldn’t run above 4200rpm before servicing, the fuel system and VST were very clogged up, and I have the injectors (am sending them for refurb to keep as spares) and can see how dirty they were. And the fuel system had half pressure at the rail until the new fuel pump was fitted. WOT untrimmed is typically 5500rpm, and trimming it will take it up to 6000rpm (using the motor tilt only, not the trim tabs, which I leave in the horizontal/least drag position.)
Dang, over 50 mph is pretty fast out on the water. Be safe, glad to hear you got it all sorted out!