Greetings from New Member & New Grady Owner

I have a 2005 Islander with a thru hull transducer that is mounted right on the centerline of the hull. I trailer all the time and have never had an issue with the transducer and bunks. As long as the transducer is mounted in a position that is not directly over a bunk, you'll be fine. The transducer is usually mounted near the rear of the hull and by the time that part of the boat is up on the trailer, you are usually centered between the bunks. I have a friend with a Journey 258 that has on offset thru hull transducer and fairing. He trailers all the time and has had no problems with the transducer hitting his trailer bunks. I wouldn't remove it unless there is an obvious issue with the location and bunk interference.

If the boat is out of the water now, it is a prime time to see where it is located. Most likely it will be centerline and there should not be a bunk or roller that far aft, but honestly it could be mounted anywhere. Have the dealer check and send you a pic if possible!!! Usually they prepare for this, but I cannot speak for everyone.

When you are ready for a long run.....offshore.... let me know. I plan to make a few shark trips in June and July, anywhere from a 30-60mile run. I like to run far though so I usually run about 50 miles for sharks and overnight and then troll some bluefins in the AM. From late July until the tuna leave in Nov. I will run the canyon(about 80 mile run for us to the tip of the Hudson) every weekend the weather allows me to. You are always welcome to run alongside having a buddy boat is always good and knowing boats out there usually helps find the fish faster. I always run out with someone or know boats going from Pt. Pleasant who I keep in contact with in case anything goes wrong. Happy Holidays!!!
Thruhull tranducer is just about a quarter way forward from stern just starbord side off center line. Near a water intake screen. It looks like the 282 Sailfish has a manufacturer predetermined spot for the transducer. It sits in a brass housing sticks down form the hull an inch or so. Bottom is painted but brass housing is not. Not sure if this should be painted like the bottom to avoid growth or will this interfear with the effectiveness of the sounder?

Graddyfish22 - Will defineltly be interested in running along side with you offshore tuna/sharking trips and would not mind checking out your rig in the spring and to see how you have it set up and make a few striper runs in the Raritan Bay along side you as I get comfortable with my GW and outfit her for offshore. I have been out with a buddy out of Pt Pleasant to the canyons on his 35" Henriques Express so weather its my rig or his we defintely can run together.