Gulf Maps


GreatGrady Captain
Mar 5, 2019
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If anyone in the Texas area cares for fishing maps, here are my latest.

They plug into Google Earth Pro and then you can select/deselect the areas you want/do not want.

I have have a lot of spots, working randomly on lakes atm... mostly around the Austin area. The coastal is very much more extensive. I added in a lot of things I personally have fished, plus have picked up along the way.

I update it a lot... but.. I leave old data on it as even if the structures were removed, they are down there and thus have fish.

They are not perfect.. but a lot better than wondering where to go.

If you want/need a specific area, just shoot me a PM and I will be glad to research your area and update what I can.

Enjoy... free.. I do not charge.

I am uploading what I use... but.. I have thousands more spots....those will be in the "entire gulf" one.. heh... if yo load it.. give it time to load into Google Earth... most pcs cannot handle all of the locations at once, just wait it out, they will load, then select or deselect.

There will be duplicates. I filter stuff into my "gulf spots" and "9nm" and "Texas Lakes" but I do not delete till I confirm the spots."

The 9nm is nice as you can see a "line" on your GPS that keeps you in legal snapper areas out of season.



Russ, just ran across this. A fellow Texas GW owner, fishing out of Packery Channel / Port A. I purchased a couple of books that have been very helpful for our area too. I have never really used Google Earth for spots per se, but will have to try. I use the Navionics Chip for my Lowrance. Let me know if I can help share some if you fish more south.
Russ, just ran across this. A fellow Texas GW owner, fishing out of Packery Channel / Port A. I purchased a couple of books that have been very helpful for our area too. I have never really used Google Earth for spots per se, but will have to try. I use the Navionics Chip for my Lowrance. Let me know if I can help share some if you fish more south.

Sorry @TortugaBob .. not sure but did not get the reply on this or do not remember if I replied. Well, good to know more GW people in Texas!

I have tons of fishing spots.. more than I can recall heh.. been adding them from every source I know of for years. I have not fished Packery in a while. Last time I took my other boat down that way, they had just built those fancy schmancy docks and they were way too narrow heh. Now, Packery has gotten so freaking busy it is nuts for me heh.. I drop at the county ramp in Port A, but good to know our boats will fit in Packery.

I can see what all I have down that way. I have thousands of places I have not filed yet, and I am sure I have some books with spots further south, just had not taken time heh.

I am hoping like crazy the weather pushes out for next weekend so I can get out there and see how she handles 30+ miles offshore heh

I leave a channel open on 68 if you are ever out there.

Boat is Cowbell

Shoot me a PM if planning a trip and we can buddy up. Always good to know someone is close by.

Oh, nm.. you said you have books with spots.. lol. Sorry.. I had fishing maps on the brain heh. Sounds like you are set :p I just love making maps.. so... get distracted talking about them :p

I really think, for me, it is just fun planning my trips and having it set up on the fish finder.. but.. the 9nm limit line highlighted sure adds a lot of help to keep me in the legal limit if fishing heh

Good to hear from you, I was actually reading this for the first time when taking the ferry over to Port A from Rockport. My Grady is over there on blocks getting new bottom paint. I actually keep her in water on Padre Island, just go thru Packary to GoM. My boat is "Grady Bunch", and would glad to connect sometime.

We probably have to triangulated spots if you are out of Port A. There are only so many decent spots, but I did find a good book at Port A outfitters with many numbers. I really need more inside 9 NM, for obvious Snapper reasons. There are some at Port Mansfield in close, but that is 50 miles one way. I appreciate you sharing, but have to figure out the file structure, and have usually just manually entered on my Navionics, using Lowrance/Navico.
I'll stop in at PA Outfitters this weekend when we go down. We are planning to head thee late Friday and come back.. i think.. late Sunday. We will see how the weather holds out. I do not have an a/c or heater installed.. yet.. lol.. so going to get a hotel for a couple nights. Too cold to stay out overnight imo :P

It is not cheap, $100, Captain Marvin Horner's "Little Hang Book". It does not give great detail like Rik's, but no doubt great numbers from years of running head boat in Port A and other places. Mostly past 9NM.
I’d buy Rik’s book, but since he died....not sure when they were updated and if you can even buy it anymore...but 250 for the electronic copy if he died is a bit steep imo. The texas waters is a nice one though.
If anyone in the Texas area cares for fishing maps, here are my latest.

They plug into Google Earth Pro and then you can select/deselect the areas you want/do not want.

I have have a lot of spots, working randomly on lakes atm... mostly around the Austin area. The coastal is very much more extensive. I added in a lot of things I personally have fished, plus have picked up along the way.

I update it a lot... but.. I leave old data on it as even if the structures were removed, they are down there and thus have fish.

They are not perfect.. but a lot better than wondering where to go.

If you want/need a specific area, just shoot me a PM and I will be glad to research your area and update what I can.

Enjoy... free.. I do not charge.

I am uploading what I use... but.. I have thousands more spots....those will be in the "entire gulf" one.. heh... if yo load it.. give it time to load into Google Earth... most pcs cannot handle all of the locations at once, just wait it out, they will load, then select or deselect.

There will be duplicates. I filter stuff into my "gulf spots" and "9nm" and "Texas Lakes" but I do not delete till I confirm the spots."

The 9nm is nice as you can see a "line" on your GPS that keeps you in legal snapper areas out of season.

Hello, I still have not put my Grady white sailfish in the water yet, about these maps how do I add them to my Garmin?
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If anyone in the Texas area cares for fishing maps, here are my latest.

They plug into Google Earth Pro and then you can select/deselect the areas you want/do not want.

I have have a lot of spots, working randomly on lakes atm... mostly around the Austin area. The coastal is very much more extensive. I added in a lot of things I personally have fished, plus have picked up along the way.

I update it a lot... but.. I leave old data on it as even if the structures were removed, they are down there and thus have fish.

They are not perfect.. but a lot better than wondering where to go.

If you want/need a specific area, just shoot me a PM and I will be glad to research your area and update what I can.

Enjoy... free.. I do not charge.

I am uploading what I use... but.. I have thousands more spots....those will be in the "entire gulf" one.. heh... if yo load it.. give it time to load into Google Earth... most pcs cannot handle all of the locations at once, just wait it out, they will load, then select or deselect.

There will be duplicates. I filter stuff into my "gulf spots" and "9nm" and "Texas Lakes" but I do not delete till I confirm the spots."

The 9nm is nice as you can see a "line" on your GPS that keeps you in legal snapper areas out of season.

Hey man how do I upload this info to my garmine? This is pretty new to me, recently a friend of mine had an accident on one of his boats last month on Lake Houston, He parished, the two other people fishing on the boat were rescued, they never found his body, he was the guy teaching me about going offshore.
Hey Andrew, just saw this pop up on my email. Not many on here connect on the TX forum and I have not been on Great Grady in sometime. Glad to share some information. As stated above, fish out of CC Packery Channel, but all the spots triangulate with Port A. If you are out of Houston, may want to connect with folks up that way since Galveston and Freeport are a little different.
  • Like
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If anyone in the Texas area cares for fishing maps, here are my latest.

They plug into Google Earth Pro and then you can select/deselect the areas you want/do not want.

I have have a lot of spots, working randomly on lakes atm... mostly around the Austin area. The coastal is very much more extensive. I added in a lot of things I personally have fished, plus have picked up along the way.

I update it a lot... but.. I leave old data on it as even if the structures were removed, they are down there and thus have fish.

They are not perfect.. but a lot better than wondering where to go.

If you want/need a specific area, just shoot me a PM and I will be glad to research your area and update what I can.

Enjoy... free.. I do not charge.

I am uploading what I use... but.. I have thousands more spots....those will be in the "entire gulf" one.. heh... if yo load it.. give it time to load into Google Earth... most pcs cannot handle all of the locations at once, just wait it out, they will load, then select or deselect.

There will be duplicates. I filter stuff into my "gulf spots" and "9nm" and "Texas Lakes" but I do not delete till I confirm the spots."

The 9nm is nice as you can see a "line" on your GPS that keeps you in legal snapper areas out of season.

Hello I have a Garmin unit that I purchased about a year ago, I do not know how to upload this information to my unit. I live in the Alvin area so I lunch my Sailfish from Surfside.
If anyone in the Texas area cares for fishing maps, here are my latest.

They plug into Google Earth Pro and then you can select/deselect the areas you want/do not want.

I have have a lot of spots, working randomly on lakes atm... mostly around the Austin area. The coastal is very much more extensive. I added in a lot of things I personally have fished, plus have picked up along the way.

I update it a lot... but.. I leave old data on it as even if the structures were removed, they are down there and thus have fish.

They are not perfect.. but a lot better than wondering where to go.

If you want/need a specific area, just shoot me a PM and I will be glad to research your area and update what I can.

Enjoy... free.. I do not charge.

I am uploading what I use... but.. I have thousands more spots....those will be in the "entire gulf" one.. heh... if yo load it.. give it time to load into Google Earth... most pcs cannot handle all of the locations at once, just wait it out, they will load, then select or deselect.

There will be duplicates. I filter stuff into my "gulf spots" and "9nm" and "Texas Lakes" but I do not delete till I confirm the spots."

The 9nm is nice as you can see a "line" on your GPS that keeps you in legal snapper areas out of season.

That’s an awesome resource! Having all those spots mapped out in Google Earth must be super helpful, especially with the updates and historical data. Appreciate you sharing it for free—definitely a game-changer for Texas anglers!
Hey Andrew, just saw this pop up on my email. Not many on here connect on the TX forum and I have not been on Great Grady in sometime. Glad to share some information. As stated above, fish out of CC Packery Channel, but all the spots triangulate with Port A. If you are out of Houston, may want to connect with folks up that way since Galveston and Freeport are a little different.
Great insight! Connecting with local anglers in the right region definitely makes a difference, especially with the variations between areas like Galveston, Freeport, and CC Packery Channel. Always good to share knowledge and compare notes!