gulfstream length on trailer?


Aug 15, 2013
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Hi all,

We have an 04 gulfstream which we are transporting using a rental trailer. I know a lot depends on how the trailer is setup but curious if anyone has any overall measurements of their grady from the tip of the trailer tongue to the back of the engine(s)?

We need to book a ferry reservation in advance and I need to find a way to predict the length within a few feet.

From my experience the bow usually lines up with the support so I might just be able to measure forward of that and then add our LOA to it.

Thanks for any help!
it will likely vary quite a bit depending on the specific trailer. my new to me boat/trailer combo is 38 feet tongue to props and my old boat/trailer was 30 feet. the boats themselves are within 4" of eachother.

i know this doesnt really help, but something to consider
The only way to know for sure is to measure the boats length from the bow eye to the end of the motors. To that you have to add the trailer length from the winch bow rest to the coupler. You also need to take into account the length of of the motors off of the transom when the motors are in the position you will put them in when loading the boat on the ferry. In all likelyhood, you can tilt the motors down after it is positioned on the ferry after your vehicle is in place and save a couple of feet off the total length.

The big variable is the trailer coupler to winch bumper.
Do you have some choice in the rental trailers? You can’t just assume that you will pull your boat up to the bow stop, and roll with that. A foot too far forward, or too far backward will make a tremendous difference in tongue weight.
I would ask someone with the same boat/motor combo, that tows well, what the distance was from the bottom corner of the transom to the hub on the forward axle, and that would be my starting point for positioning the boat on the trailer. The bow stop is really the only easily adjustable factor in your whole set up.
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32 to 33 feet from the hitch ball to the props. The 1 ft variance I typed depends on where you have the engines tilted to.

As others have said, the exact length depends on the forward section of the trailer.

I'll wager when you measure your trailer, you'll come within a foot or so of 32' or 33'.
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