GW 265 Express Battery's


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2008
Reaction score
Long Island NY

I was out shopping for her this morning and bought a nice Jabsco spotlight with remote and antenna and hardware for the marine tech to install the 2nd vhf radio. I noticed that I have only 2 batteries in the aft compartments and he tells me the boat when new originally sold with four batteries. In light of this boat being a 2003 I am going to replace the batteries with new ones. Do you folks running this model operate with two or four batteries? If there should be four I will pick up a couple more but how would one install them? Is this something I should take on or have the technition install the two additional batteries??

Thanks Very Much, Dan
If it had 4, that was custom, 2 or 3 was standard. Some came with 2 batteries, while others had 3 installed, 1 port and 2 starboard. Your stbd batteries are your house batteries and start the stbd engine, your port battery only starts your port. If you go with a 4th, have it on the port side, but have it isolated so it can charge yet not be used unless needed as a back up. This is the smart way to set it up, having a spare charged battery is smart, just tieing it in with your other batteries is a waste, you really do not need a 4th battery for every day use. I have 3 currently, but plan to add a 4th as a spare. I believe Tim from fishingFINattic has the 4 battery set up with an isolator, he was just talking about it in another forum topic on this site posted by twinyams.