Thanks guys. My part in this venture was to write the check! I suspect they don’t do it at the factory because I would expect some spider cracks due to the forces in that area.
Thanks for the advice on the genny... I am bummed about the Fischer Panda not working out, but hey it’s a boat. If the Honda works out well I may end up building a fiberglass box on the transom and going that route. It would be a lot less maintenance....
Anybody gone up shark river in Florida?? I gona take my dad on an overnight there in a few weeks.
Affirmative on Shark River.:
It's roughly 35-40 miles North of 7 Mile. Pick up Cape Sable on your stbd side as you head North thru Fla Bay and you can run close in 'tll the Shark River Entrance.
There is a marked entrance and you have depths of 6-8 feet going in. Depending on how far back you wander, it's adequate water for your Marlin.
There's nothing back there, really. Just tall mangroves lining the shores and plenty of weird looking bugs. Have your eisenglass up and the cabin doors& windows closed after sunset. The bugs that will carry you away don't frequent that area during winter months, though. Just black critters that attach themselves to the boat, but didn't bite.
I've heard reports from friends that have anchored near the mouth of the river that they had a bit of trouble getting a set on their ground tackle. We went waay up the river and tied overnight at a chickee hut, or however that's spelled.
We didn't like Shark River at all and will not go back except to duck out of bad weather. That said, we are "marina people." I want the boat tied up securely and a ships store, laundry & showers nearby. We are not campers and don't enjoy the wilderness.
That said, you may really dig it. The shelving bottom along that section of the Everglades lends it'self to calm conditions near shore, similar to the Keys. Let me know how your trip goes.