Hard top capacity?


Dec 8, 2007
Reaction score
Ophelia VA
New to me '00 272 Sailfish currently has no radar.
Bought a used RayMarine open array unit. Scanner and pedestal weigh 55ish pounds. Is the factory hard top up to this challenge?
is there a published weight capacity?
No problem. They recommend no more then 80lbs. That’s to accommodate a life raft. I’ve seen people put a life raft and a radar with mast. I climb up on my hardtop all the time. 200lbs on a good day.
I have a 232 gulfstream and will be adding a full tower with controls to hold 2-3 guys up on the factory hardtop i have seen many gulfstreams and sailfishs and even a few islanders done this way. i dont see any issue with the weight of a radar
I was told a few years ago that a raft could not be mounted to the hardtop by GW. I'm guessing if you could spread the weight out (versus just mounting feet) you would be ok.
The core of the top was balsa and the top and undersides are quite thin. I'd check with GW for a recommendation based on your model year and construction.
I’ve seen tuna towers on Grady hardtops and always wondered how much weight could be handled. I’m not sure I would ever walk around on mine but would have no issue distributing 100lbs of gear up there.
I think the towers are tied to the pipe structure vs the hardtop itself. My guess is they are fairly light, the upper top is usually thinner and the seats and other things are lightweight as well.
If you look at the construction of the hardtops, they are very light glass on both sides with balsa coring. Really not for anything heavy or structural.
I'm 200+ and I climbed all over the one on my 226. The 272 is thicker and stronger...
I'm 200+ and I climbed all over the one on my 226. The 272 is thicker and stronger...
I had assumed there were no/low issues with the amount towers I’ve seen on the hardtops, just doesn’t seem like two or three large guys moving around up there is good for a structure not designed for it.
I'm 200+ and I climbed all over the one on my 226. The 272 is thicker and stronger...

I don't think that won't be an issue. The weight is widely distributed. I'd be more concerned when you have a 125lb raft mounted at 4 small area points and you come off a 6'er and take a pounding. You may experience fatigue and ultimately failure of a hard top frame weld or the hard top shell itself. If you have to weld a pipe, hope it isn't in an area where wiring is pulled through or you'll have to pull through and snake back through when done welding.
Is there a way to actually look this up? Is there an actual capacity? I can't even put a life raft on the top? I've seen quite a few 282 and up boats around with Cobia towers and/or control stations on top, but I read on here that the tops cannot take any more than 100 lbs... Does this relate more to the smaller boats, or can the bigger ones take more? I have a fairly heavy radar unit on mine, and my son has ridden up there many times "dingy style" (standing with a rope lead to hold onto with one hand and a rod in the other hand) while we run around looking for Cobia. I'd like to put on a Cobia tower someday, but I haven't because of what I have read on here. Can the 282 Sailfish take more weight?