Hatteras Inlet


Jan 1, 2015
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I was trying to do a run to Bimini again this year but we can't make the time work so, I am planning on going to Hatteras Island in mid May. I would trailer to and from. I spoke to the marinas and discussed the inlet. I would have to follow a charter in and out at least the first day to get my trails set . I'm hoping to fish for mahi and wahoo. Any input or advise would be greatly appreciated. I have a 2019 257 Fisherman with twin 200s, just an FYI. I have Simrad radar with bird mode but do not have outriggers.
Just general info since I have no personal experience with Hatteras Inlet.

1.) Pay VERY close attention to tide cycles and onshore swell. Make certain you do not run the inlet during an outgoing tide with incoming seas. The waves-against-current scenario will steepen them substantially and cause them to sometimes break even in deep water. The seas will be close together, and all of that will be a cocktail of Bad News for you and your 257 Grady. Plan on entering/exiting the inlet during times of slack or incoming tides.
There are piloting techniques than can be used to run these Atlantic Inlets that I or others on here that do it regularly can go into if you'd like, although you may be knowledgeable in this area.

2.) Your Simrad's cartography should depict a clear channel out Hatteras Inlet unless it is local knowledge only due to the unpredictability of shifting sands, causing the channel to change on a regular basis. If it is always deep enough, there should be ATON'S (Aids To Navigation) marking the navigable channel.

There is no reason you can't follow a Charter Boat out if you prefer....
Here are my thoughts. That inlet is really challenging. It could be miles if you follow the markers. I think that the charter captains make their own markers out of milk jugs, bleach bottles, etc and move them as needed. It's tuff in the dark. I trailered my old boat, 31Fountain, to Hatteras in 2020. We followed someone out in the morning and everything was great. On the return I was completely zoomed in on my tracks and with the tide change, we ran aground. twin outboards shut down from all of the sand. After a long time we were able to get out and get the motors cleaned out with weed whacker line (no less than 100 times of sticking it in the tell tale) so that we could get to the ramp. The channel has ferry boats running all of the time to Okracoke and those things are intimidating! Especially, when your motors keep going out.

My advice is quite simple, use the marked channel OR if you follow a charter out in the AM wait for another one to return in the PM. Those tide swings are unpredictable. Outside of the inlet, the trip was amazing and fishing was wonderful.
Oregon Inlet would be easier, but if you’re locked into HI I would monitor the Carolinas section of The Hull Truth. That channel will probably change five times by the time you get down there in May, LOL. They have been hard at work dredging up channel but it’s a mess, especially with a swell.
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I've been in and out of both Oregon and Hatteras inlets. As MagicalBill stated be very careful with outgoing tide and incoming swell. At Oregon it seem that some days the tide goes out all day. And remember you have to come back later! Local knowledge is required. Both inlets change outside as well as inside.

The charter fleet out of the fishing center followed each other out. You should do the same and be courteous. They all seem to come in around the same time too so get back early and wait.
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Thank you the input. Yes, I spoke to the marinas and they all said that the charters have no problem running it with them. 11 years in a Grady and I've only run aground once so I'm trying to keep that record!! I was hoping to keep it at zero, but.....
it would be a lot easier if you went a little further south and went out of Morehead. Great fishing and a nice easy inlet.....just saying.
There’ll be plenty of boat traffic to follow in/out Hatteras in May, the charter fleet will leave before sunrise but expect other folks will be going out in daylight that you can follow. Agreed with others on here to take the time to follow locals in/out several times before relying on your tracks. Yellowfin will be thick then as well, great time of year to fish offshore.

Ran Oregon Inlet on Sunday and it’s still a mess. Wouldn’t rearrange your trip to go out of there vs Hatteras expecting significantly easier passage.