I gotta say that it has been a steep learning curve with that 228, I'm a n00b, first boat where I'm in charge. But the more I run that boat, the more I love it. I came back in fast with my kid asleep in the cabin. It was pretty flat so I played with the trim, I know some here think this is wrong but I run that boat with the engine trimmed all the way forward pretty much 100% of the time. There was one time where it was like glass flat and I trimmed it back and got it up to 45mph. The Monterey Bay is very rarely that flat, 3' @ 11s is crazy flat, but it is still some swells. That 228 loves the bow down, gives that SV2 hull a chance to show off.
I frickin love my boat, so happy I went Grady-White. It's a great boat when you learn how to drive her.
And I have to say that while I've had my issues with my dealer in Campbell, CA, lately they have stepped up. My steering was wonky, they bled it and fixed it, my keys were wrong, they got me keys that worked, I had a fish box that the lid wouldn't stay up, they got me a new lifter. All for no charge. Go them.
Oh, and on finding fish around here, a friend was frustrated with me when I said I couldn't do it (he's the guy that took me fishing), he said find some structure and fish. If you use google maps and go to satellite view, it shows the ocean floor. Super easy to find structure and yes, he is right, fish the structure and you will get rockies and lings. And you can do the same thing to find sand and fish halibut.
I've still got a lot to learn but I'm past the point where I was terrified to go out. I'll learn, you guys teach me, my local forum teaches me, maybe one day I'll get to teach someone like me. All I know is I love that boat and I love putting fish in the box.