Headline Crack


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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I was convinced these were temperature related. Not so sure now. I got one over the winter, very mild up here for winter.
I am going to try to fix it myself. Thinking of the JB Weld plastic/fiberglass product then sanding lightly and painting. Anyone try to do the repair here?
Not really sure what you are talking about. A photo would help.
I think he was too busy talking about the big one that got away and forgot to put the "r" at the end of "headline". :)

Fish, I'm not overly familiar with your boat. But the headliner is fiberglass/gelcoat? First thing to do - if it's what I'm thinking (pic would help) - is to drill a small hole at the ends of the crack. That will at least prevent it from going further. Then you can V out the crack and fill - any number of products can work. PC-11, MT, I'm sure the JB would work (although I've never used it). Personally, I'd go with thickened epoxy or even kitty hair (if it's bigger), though. But, really, if it's as small as it sounds, there's lots of ways to do this.

Paint it first with any "paint for plastic" as a base. If you can't find that stuff in a matching color, you can now use a paint that is NOT rated for plastic.

Another option would be Spectrum Patch Paste (assuming, still, that this is glass/gel).
Sorry folks. Yea, the plastic headliner in the cabin is the area where the crack is. I'll take some pics when I get to the boat again.
Not a huge deal, I know I can address it. Will def drill the ends to eliminate further crack travel.
Oh, it's plastic. OK. Disregard some of what I said. But, sure, the repair is basically the same. The plastic won't be polyethylene in this use - so that's a good thing!
Started the repair. Drilled a small hole at the end of the crack. Used the JB Weld 2 part plastic epoxy. Stuff takes 10 min or so to get tacky and firms up in another 10 min. Worked it into the sides of the plastic headliner and then over the top of the crack and about 1/2" over the crack. Product bonds as well as fills cracks. Next up is sanding it down and identify a paint match. Will share pics when I can.
Benjamin Moore dealer recommended a primer and I took a bunch of paint samples to match. (2) coats of primer and paint and it came out nice. I'll post more info this weekend.
Theri was a time that Grady had a traveling team that would handle healdliner cracks - have not heard anything about them lately. May be worth a call to a dealer. Mine was repaired outside of warranty 18 years ago.