Headliner Cracks

True dat...
Very interested to hear what you find out. Was doing well with my 2005 until a couple winters ago when it was cold enough, long enough, that the little cabin heater I keep in the boat couldn't compensate and I now have cracks in the cabin and the head.

Skunk, I hear you and agree that the fish don't care - but the Admiral does, which means I have to, so if there's a path to getting it corrected, I'm interested.
I called GW this afternoon, and was directed to Carolyn Ray, who was very helpful... She asked that I take some pictures, and we could discuss a course of action... As alluded to by others, they have a team of specialists that travel to do this repair, and the cost depends on the extent of the cracks... There is some cost sharing, but the final cost to the customer is non-trivial... It all depends on the extent of the damage and the time the repairs require... Once I get the pics and get GW's take on next steps (and corresponding $$$), I'll see just how much getting these cracks repaired matters to me... :)
They try to batch he repairs in an area so the travel cost is mitigated. Good to hear you are getting attention!