Our 282, new to us, came with an e125, circa spring 2012, and one of the things that's critical for making your learning experience meaningful is to make sure the OS software is full up to date. The boat was delivered with the original spring 2012 software, and the current manual and online resources are all based around an addition 9+ updates.
If you're not really comfortable with the instructions for your unit on the Raymarine site, I'd recommend getting local technical assistance for your software update. At the same time this will give you an opportunity to pose some questions with someone else who may be very much more familiar with your unit.
Finally, I'd strongly recommend taking the time to play (read learn) with your displays in a non-operating, non-moving, traffic free environment. Being a member of the cell/smart phone generation, I can attest to way too much temptation to "text while driving." Learn at anchor, at mooring, with someone else driving, but don't make attempts at new concepts or settings while under way.
Have fun! I'm sure your displays have more than enough capability for all but the most extreme use cases.