Help with possible 248 Voyager purchase


Jun 20, 2006
Reaction score
Cobbs Creek, VA
Freedom 325
Hello folks!

I am considering a 2001 Voyager that is bank owned. Wasn't planning to buy until next year, but what I am looking at would be an excellent deal thus prompting me to seriously consider it. My concern is that it is powered with twin 115 yamaha four strokes. As long as it isn't so underpowered as to make it "a dog", I'm willing to compromise on being slightly underpowered for the sake of the excellent pricing (my budget dictates this). Obviously I plan on getting a survey and water test first.

I wanted to post to see if anyone could comment on this setup or buying bank owned. I have looked at a yamaha performance bulletin on the 247 advance with the twin 115's and will post a link below. I appreciate any help any of you can offer. ... -GRW-Z.pdf
Waaaaaaaay underpowered! I have a 1996 with single 225 with very good performance. I cant imagine why someone would have rigged this boat that way. I would be interested to see how long to get on plane with all that weight back there. :hmm :hmm Must have gotten a great deal on the 115s. If the deal is good enough sell the 115s and repower.
From the best I can tell on NADA website, the 115 was the largest YAMAHA 4 stroke engine available in early-mid 2001. The larger 4 stokes were out a year later as model year 2002. Obviously HPDIs were available as well at that time. The twin 115's were offered so that one could get a 4 stroke option that year on the 248. Grady sent me the specific yamaha bulletin numbers on the 248 with twin 115's that were published with boat specs. Testing was done with a noted accessory weight (fuel, people and gear of 1180lbs - I would approximate 100 gallons of gas, 3 people and light amont of gear).

1000 4.9 0.5 9.8
2000 7.9 2.7 2.93
3000 11.05 6.1 1.81
4000 27.4 8.5 3.22
5000 36.4 13.8 2.65
5900 44.4 21.2 2.09

Though it wasn't noted on these specific 248 specs, the performance data for the 247 advance with the same twin 115's notes a time to plane of 3.83 seconds - the numbers on the rest of the performance bulletn for the 247 advance are very similar to these with the exception of 3000rpm resulting in only 9.7MPH (which I find surprizing). I guess I would think based on that that time to plane should be fairly similar. There are multiple threads on continuouswave (I know, whalers stink) where most people seemed to agree that these f115s probably make slightly more than 115hp (somewhere more in the 125 range was theorized). This was based off of head-to-head comparions done between 2002 f225 vs twin f115s on the exact same boat (think it was maybe a seapro). It is widely established that the actual HP produced by an outboard can vary by 10% either above or below listed, so this is not a outlandish claim.

I'm not being wordy here to try to have people tell me what I want to hear, just to try to increase the ablility for multiple people to look at this situation and comment. I don't have to buy this boat, so I REALLY need some help!!!! To give a frame of reference as to why I am having to think long and hard about this, the boat is a 2001 in really good condition and engine hours in the mid 400's, hardtop and good electronics that I have an agreed price of $20,000. I feel this would be an excellent deal, but again don't want to end up with a "dog." Grady-whites comment via email was that this setup was the minimum recommended HP, but was "adequate" for this boat. I really urge anyone with thoughts on this to post! I also thank JayT for commenting above and for any additional thoughts based on my rediculously long post here.
I apologize if my info was discouraging. Obviously I was speaking without the proper knowledge, commonly refered to as ignorance. I must say that the top end speed is surprising but I am sure is accurate. When I spoke with Grady support the info they quoted me on my boat was dead on and I am very pleased with my performance. I look forward to others input on this. Good luck and keep us posted. :sorry
I owned a new 2001 f115, although I didn't keep it long it was by far my favorite outboard. Super quiet and it sipped fuel. I'm not sure when those engines will be due for a service that will include a timing belt change. But that price sure sounds like a bargain if that boat is what you want. Good luck and keep us posted! Oh and if I had a chance I would choose twin f115's over a single f225 which actually only puts out 208hp. I owned one of the first f225's and I was quite disappointed with it. Just my $.02
JayT - I undertand your initial reaction as I had a similar one. Thanks for looking at the info I posted objectively, rather than dogmatically assuming your intial reaction had to be right (as so many people do on message boards). I was VERY (pleasantly) surprised when I got the performance bulletin from Grady. I think the numbers strongly suggest the theory that the f115's make more HP than advertised on the cowling.

No problem- Your statement "I would choose twin f115's over a single f225 which actually only puts out 208hp" was the comparison that I referenced above. I found an archived copy at the link below: ... -Test.html

I will also add that I have no inerest or budget for buying this boat to do a repower. I know it wouldn't be a speed demon, but I will be mostly in the Chesapeake Bay with probably a handful of runs offshore each year, so this isn't a critical issue. Again, just don't want a dog. And yes, I know more power is always nice, but I like how reatively new this boat is and obiously like the price. Any more input would be REALLY APPRECIATED!!!!!
Hi ! I have owned a 24 voyager 1997 250 ox 66 yamaha since Nov. and put it in the water in May 15. In general, I love the boat and its performance. The numbers you cite for the performance of the twins 115 yama 4 strokes should make you very happy. Cruising at 25 or 27 with gas mileage at over 3 miles to the gal. is great. If the numbers are correct I think it is very very satisfactory. The two engines are also a nice safety feature if one gives you trouble. The price is very good-does it have a trailer and what are the electronics -hard top? and all around enclosure ? Good luck and e-mail if you have any questions.
No trailer. Raymarine C80 GPS/FF but no radar unit despite the head unit having the capability. Hard top with enclosure. No outriggers (unfortunately). I really do think it's an awesome deal- IF survey and water test go ok.

Lew - thanks for the comments. I may email you if I need more questions answered.