Here We Go- 265 Express 200 Suzuki repower. Questions for the experts

what do you mean by blew out? suffered from ventilation?
Here’s a shot of the mounting holes


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the "on land assessment" of motor height would be where the cavitation plate is relative to a line extended off the bottom of the hull
You're as low as they go and thats correct. I guess the 4 x16 x20 are not better than the suzuki 4 x15.25 X22. Several of us are running them happily and so I guess thats the winner.

The comment about it healing over...I found with the 265 that if you lose track of where your tabs are you will eventually get yanked over on your gunnel. The other thing that does that is leaving the motors down too far when on plane. The 2000-2002 265s had a 22 degree V
IMO never use tabs when testing props. actually IMO put them up and pull the fuse and never use them They do nothing for you that outweighs getting yanked over on your side.
So, the install is complete and of course the wind machine turned on. Haven’t be able to get out of the inlet except for a few runs to put some time on the motors. While running at 3k for that part of the break in, I noticed occasional cavatation. Randomly jump up 400/500 rpm. Condition were snotty ( last Saturday) 3-4 SE swell with some NW chop. Full fuel, 3 people. Check out the pic below. This is completely trimmed in (down). Is it me or does the trim range need to be adjusted so I can tuck them in a little more? Thought I read something about this on a repower thread on here:6B5EF1DD-6F96-4164-AE22-050D7500D834.jpeg
They do seem to be past zero but don’t look parallel to transom. I can’t see the bracket well enough to tell if they are fully in On older zukes there was a bolt that could be positioned in holes in the clamp bracket to limit the “in” position. I want to say that the DF 200 APs don’t have that. I’m not sure. But I don’t have a picture and I can’t look at mine right now.
there is an adjusting ring to limit the fully up position.
Can wait to hear the performance numbers: max mph, best cruise gpm (speed and rpm). I Repowered with twin 250 verados and I’m not getting the best gph at cruise compared to my old worn out Yamahas. Interested to see what the Suzukis do