Higher Fuel Prices

I'm paying $4.45 at the pump in PA. Being a Shoobie I expect to be paying around $7.00 a gallon in South Jersey if I slip my boat. Is trailering really saving me anything though because my F-150 gets 10 mpg towing?
Just paid $4.15 at the local Costco here for my pos 2006 Honda Civic daily driver car that has 243k miles on her. She still gets almost 40 mpg on the highway but good lord, I imagine if it's already this bad in not even mid March that it's going to be probably $7+ per gallon during June, July and August.
Not so funny thing we have research vessels sounding the ocean bottom 20 miles off the coast of Delaware and Maryland to locate future locations for wind turbines to generate electricity. I don’t think you could convince a 6th grader (not a public schooled one) that this is going to be cost effective without a massive dose of tax payer subsidies. Sorry I ain’t buying the facade. Time for a reality check on the time frame to switch to renewables etc. We’ll destroy the economy and the country while we allow others to destroy the environment processing fossil fuels less efficiently then we can.
Yup, it was nice while it lasted. I hope it comes back but I wouldn't bet on it.
Ok my friends we were in a pandemic nobody was driving, as things started to ease up the gas companies wanted to make up there loses. That's what this is all about, so please let's not make this into something it's not, especially on this site.
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I'll say this and then I won't say anything after with regards to pricing... The summer of 2020 and even up until January of 2021, I was working at a particular job and the local gas station close to my work was at $2.29 a gallon for regular unleaded gasoline. I remember it vividly as at the time, I was in my over 1 year long quest of trying to find a GW 228 Seafarer and I thought it would be somewhat ironic if the price were to hit $2.28 a gallon. It never did, but then in January of 2021 gasoline took a pretty aggressive northward direction and went up over $1 per gallon higher than what it was within a couple of months to about $3.35 a gallon for regular unleaded. I just checked today, and guess what? It's at $4.30 a gallon for regular unleaded gasoline.
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$4.99 for Rec fuel in Stuart Fl. I think I’m going to run regular through my Sailfish this summer if it keeps up.
I'll say this and then I won't say anything after with regards to pricing... The summer of 2020 and even up until January of 2021, I was working at a particular job and the local gas station close to my work was at $2.29 a gallon for regular unleaded gasoline. I remember it vividly as at the time, I was in my over 1 year long quest of trying to find a GW 228 Seafarer and I thought it would be somewhat ironic if the price were to hit $2.28 a gallon. It never did, but then in January of 2021 gasoline took a pretty aggressive northward direction and went up over $1 per gallon higher than what it was within a couple of months to about $3.35 a gallon for regular unleaded. I just checked today, and guess what? It's at $4.30 a gallon for regular unleaded gasoline.
Yep and the pandemic wasn’t easing up then. If anything it was on the rise.
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Over 5 for 93 at local stations in Brooklyn NY, by time boat is ready to get filled I'm probably at over 7 on the water. That's almost double last year's price. Not complaining, but it's the facts.
'I cried because I had no shoes until I met a man who had no feet"

There are many people in this sorry world in a lot more dire situations than the price of gas. It's human to bitch and moan but it is humane to care about the less fortunate.
Glad I'm sitting on 220 gallons of gas from 2021! At least I will get a few trips in before having to shell out $1,200 -1,fresh 500 for fresh gas.
'I cried because I had no shoes until I met a man who had no feet"

There are many people in this sorry world in a lot more dire situations than the price of gas. It's human to bitch and moan but it is humane to care about the less fortunate.
Just to clarify I was not bitching, I was just making a point that its not political as some were trying to insinuate. This is not the place for that, this is my happy place.
The salt in the wounds is going to be when the gas companies report record PROFITS for the 2nd quarter! This will be the tell tale sign the supplies were not really the issue driving up prices, it once again was/is merely corporate greed. The 1% thrive on the backs of the poor...and no one puts a stop to it.
The salt in the wounds is going to be when the gas companies report record PROFITS for the 2nd quarter! This will be the tell tale sign the supplies were not really the issue driving up prices, it once again was/is merely corporate greed. The 1% thrive on the backs of the poor...and no one puts a stop to it.

Agree - ish. They are not investing in more drilling and exploratory wells etc. due to current admins policies. Normally, they'd be spending a lot more in those areas. There are a lot of facets to this situation.
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.......just hoping it doesn't get out of control.......

That ship has sailed, so to speak