Holding tank/Macerator access in a 265 Express


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
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Chasing the same gremlins as the guy on the Jasbco thread, but I have a 265 Express . How do you access the tank/pump?
the holding tank is located under the starboard side bench seat. There should be a hatch on the floor of the compartment . The holding tank is found underneath.
Yep. Also thru the bulkhead behind the head
Mine's a Groco and it doesn't work.
Low on my to-do list because its expensive and a pain and a pump-out is free.
My 2001 265 Express lost the use of the pump 3 or 4 years ago and after recognizing the challenge of access and cost, I too pushed it off my things to do list - the same reasons as SkunkBoat. My holding tank gets very little use- captains orders!
I've always thought it strange to put the pump inside the holding tank. It is just as effective by mounting it outside the holding tank in a more accessible location.
I hear you, if there was a consistent pump out station ( out of 2) on my inlet I would do the same. Got a family full of girls so I got to use it. Just troubleshooting now,
Here is the solution for retrofitting with an external pump as others have mentioned. This was image/solution was posted by another member a few years back and I followed this setup when replacing mine. It is a very good setup, but good luck, this is a tough job - it is very hard to work through that opening.

Wow- thanks so much ( I think ) that looks like quite the project.
That is a not so sweet smelling job....
I went the same route as PrinceofThieves and used that same post as my guide (believe it was Max366?). The original access hatch was effectively a non-starter and the first thing I did was enlarge the access so I could actually get to everything. After that it went fairly smooth though I was looking around under the deck the other day and the Jabsco pump I installed is looking pretty bad after only two years, odd as the other ones on the boat are much older and there's no sign of corrosion or wear on any of them. Probably be replacing the pump this year but now when I do it it's just a matter of removing the starboard panel that I cut to cover the new access hole and swapping out the pump.