How do you deal with smokers?


GreatGrady Captain
Mar 5, 2019
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Okay, curious... not a fan of "my boat my rules"....albeit I will have a sign that says "if you take meds for your back... we ain't turning around".... lol.. past experience.. took a friend out, he invited his dad. 15 miles out, not fishing yet, tells me his dad needs to go back as he has a bad back and is on meds..

Ruined the trip.

Anyway, the one thing I am not sure of...I have a couple friends that smoke, or use those electric things. Now, if it were my dad, honestly.. I would not even question it. smoking does not bother me, but the smell it leaves behind, drives my wife nuts and.. frankly.. she matters more.

How do you deal with people smoking on the boat?

My wife worries that smoking will blow into the cabin and we will never get rid of the smell. IMO.. smoking outside would not be an issue, but... again.. hard choice.

Okay, curious... not a fan of "my boat my rules"....albeit I will have a sign that says "if you take meds for your back... we ain't turning around".... lol.. past experience.. took a friend out, he invited his dad. 15 miles out, not fishing yet, tells me his dad needs to go back as he has a bad back and is on meds..

Ruined the trip.

Anyway, the one thing I am not sure of...I have a couple friends that smoke, or use those electric things. Now, if it were my dad, honestly.. I would not even question it. smoking does not bother me, but the smell it leaves behind, drives my wife nuts and.. frankly.. she matters more.

How do you deal with people smoking on the boat?

My wife worries that smoking will blow into the cabin and we will never get rid of the smell. IMO.. smoking outside would not be an issue, but... again.. hard choice.

My solution is easy. No Smoking on my boat. Period.
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My solution is easy. No Smoking on my boat. Period.

THIS ^^^

Just the same as any rule at home or on the boat. I don't let people smoke in my home, or on the lanai, so why would I let them smoke on the boat?

Of course, you could bring a water toy and tow them 100-ft back while they smoke. That is "outside", but the anywhere inside the rubrails is NOT outside.

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Agreed. Never had an issue before as I never had a cabin... so, with that in the mix.. best to just set the expectations now.

I dont get any smell in the cabin from guests smoking in the cockpit area. Common courtesy would dictate no one would smoke in the cabin. I'm also very much my boat my rules so if you dont want people smoking on board that should be respected.
Tell them you have a possible fuel leak :eek:
I'd be nice and inform that you don't allow smoking. If pressed, say for a number of reasons - safety, people sometimes get sick with 2nd hand smoke and you don't want the smell lingering in the boat. Nothing like someone getting sick and you are out and have to come back - just like the guy with the bad back. If you can't go without it, pretty easy - stay on land.
I do not have a enclosed cabin and I do not smoke myself but my Brother in law does and we are great fishing buddies and it does not bother me but if it did My Boat my Rules
My best friend and fishing buddy smokes. I've been fishing with him for years and never have smelled smoke in the cabin. This is my 3rd cuddy I've owned and no issues with smoke smell in any of them. Non-issue for me. I will say on the drive down, if in my truck, he doesn't smoke in it. If we're in his truck, he smokes.
I hate throwing things in the water. But a couple of times over the years I've thrown packs of cigarettes overboard when people insisted on smoking.

I have the same policy for people who insist on fishing after I say that it's time to go back. After throwing the bait overboard there isn't much to argue about anymore. ;)
Simple. Go find a pair of Johnson Ocean Runners from the 1990s and repower your boat with those motors. The 2 stroke smoke aroma will out smell the cigerrette smoke. Problem solved.

Solution 2, is to simply kill them where they stand with a quick gaff to the heart.

Solution 3, tell your guests you have a no smoking vessel and you ask kindly for them to abstain during the voyage. Upon returning the dock they will be allowed to light up when both feet are on the dock.

Lastly, tell them they must call you captain and remind them you are the boaterman and they are not. Side note, I offer the best pragmatic solutions ever on this website and perhaps the entire interwebs.
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Its hard to tell someone they can't smoke with a pair of OX66s spewing blue smoke but they know they better do it while we're running back to restart a drift because...
"Its my boat, where I relax, and I don't want to smell your shi..."
Simple it's ur boat and u make the rules. You can tell them they have to wear pink skirts and clown make-up and if they don't like it , well then they don't have to come aboard. Just give them a heads up in advance tho, it gets a little weird when they get to the boat and you hand them the skirts and make-up to put on.
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Simple it's ur boat and u make the rules. You can tell them they have to wear pink skirts and clown make-up and if they don't like it , well then they don't have to come aboard. Just give them a heads up in advance tho, it gets a little weird when they get to the boat and you hand them the skirts and make-up to put on.

Or, or, go the old European man look and make them wear Speedos! If they wear the speedo they can light up!

The sincere key here is for you to set expectations long before you get to the dock and cast the lines off. Most people who truly are your friends will honor your requests. Unspoken expectations become unmet expectations and those become the ones creating heart ache between you and the other person. In any relationship unmet expectations lead to disappointment.

Now the real issue is how to get your friends to offer up a few bucks for gas? I have some friends who force me to take gas money for a day on the water and others who barely say thank you. It's your boat and your rules. Have this discussion days before you depart and just be cool about it.
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