How many of you name your boats?


GreatGrady Captain
May 14, 2007
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I have a 208 and have resisted the urges of my kids to letter a name on the boat. I am now moving to a 225 and the cries for a boat name are back. How many of you all do this? Is it hard to remove the name at resale (which I am sure I will do in a couple years)?

I haven't seen any advantage to doing this . I guess if in distress or when communicating on the radio it is helpful. I never thought it looked like much unless you had a good sized boat--say, 28-35 ft.
My smaller Grady had a name on it. Very easy to remove, most will remove with your fingernail, some may need a blow dryer to help it peel off. Then, use some colonite hull cleaner on the whole hull. I'd say do only the section where the name was, but this stuff cleans the boat so well, that it will be cleaner where the name was then anywhere else. It really is not a hard thing to remove, just involved some elbow grease if you wish to make the boat look good before selling. I have resisted putting a name on the new boat since it is a painted hull and they do not fair as well after removing a name, it is a bit more work. Also, too many local boats followed me since I post fishing reports local, now without the name, only close friends know who I am and I'm not followed. I don't mind helping others out, but I don't need hordes of boats fishing on top of me all the time.
gradyfish22 said:
Also, too many local boats followed me since I post fishing reports local, now without the name, only close friends know who I am and I'm not followed. I don't mind helping others out, but I don't need hordes of boats fishing on top of me all the time.

Funny, I have not seen you around but we are very close in proximity, do you know Arty from your marina?
Yup I know Arty, and he knows my boat. I think my boat and his are sitting on stands right next to one another for the winter. I've had a bunch of guys from different forums that I post on begin to follow me over time. You may not recognize the boat in my picks because we have only owned it for one season, our previous 22 seafarer the S.T. Barb was operated for 14 years out of Port Monmouth. I never mind helping people out, but when I have people follow me and then they are less then courteous, that began to bother me. I've had too many boats cut within 15ft of me while I am hooked up on big bass because they read my reports and the name on the boat and decided to follow me. Now, without a name on the new boat, only close friends and those in my marina know my boat which I am fine with, we are a tight nit group of guys who all share our spots and techniques. I'm all for networking and sharing info, I just do not like a 1 way system where in the end I suffer due to a lack of respect from others. There are some great boaters in the Raritan Bay, but you know how some of the occasional boaters can get out there. It got to the point where I was treated like a charter boat and followed everywhere I went, which is not fun. For that very reason, I keep my distance from them and do not follow them.
gradyfish22 said:
Yup I know Arty, and he know's my boat. I think my boat and his are sitting on stands right next to one another for the winter. I've had a bunch of guys from different forums that I post on begin to follow me over time. I never mind helping people out, but when I have people follow me and then they are less then courteous, that began to bother me. I've had too many boats cut within 15ft of me while I am hooked up on big bass because they read my reports and the name on the old boat was rather large. Now, without it only close friends and those in my marina know my boat which I am fine with, we are a tight nit group of guys who all share our spots and techniques. It got to the point where I was treated like a charter boat and followed everywhere I went, which is not fun. For that very reason, I keep my distance from them and do not follow them.

Yes, I also know that feeling.......I know Arti for probably 20 years from his old marina and from Matawan Tool where he worked before Norm died. I supply Arti with shads for trolling and still see him frequently over at Browns point where he now works.

He's a good guy (and a great cook)and knows me very well.....I'll have to bring you up to with him when I see him next time and I'm sure he would have stories to share with you about me. :D

Tight Lines
I think all boats should have a name. Ours came with a name that was decent enough to keep (Fin & Tonic) and had a cool logo complete with martini glass and sailfish.

I would name it for sure. The new style stickers used for names and logos go on an off pretty easy and last longer than paint.
I don't like them on small boats. If I had a 225 I'd put it on the transom to minimize the fading.

My current boat had a huge name with logo, ("5 O'clock") on it, but fortunately it came off easily and buffed out since it was not exposed to the sun for too long. The fading and impact on resale is my primary objection.
Yep, we have a name on her. The old owner had an aweful name with walmart graphics (Nasty Habit 2). My wife and I have always made a fun time out of naming our new boats.

I can give you a few my wife and I have used and why:
1) Rules of Engagement (the "o" was a wedding ring) and this was decided as a condition of my proposal was that I could have a boat at any time of my choosing with no regard for her input. It helped that that one was a go fast.

2) Jenerator (the "J" is a fish hook), this one ties in allot of things. My wifes name (Jen) and I'm a power generating engineer now. The "J" add the fishing flair.

Anyway it is cool to see people get original names and is always a conversation starter when I meet new people. If well done a graphics package should never detract from resale. I knew I was peeling off the old owners name, no biggie...jh
Yes, name your boat, it's part of the fun of it all. Boat names are very much part of the yachting and sport-fishing culture.

Here's my thread on getting my boat name created on bus-graphic vinyl:

Dad got our first boat when I was about 5, they had 5 or 6 of them going from 22' to 42'. I bought my first boat when I was 19, a 22 footer, and I've owned 6 others up to 42'.
Here are the various boat names we've had:
Happy Ours
After Ours
After Ours Too
and finally...Chum-A-Long

There was a 15' Zodiak and a 8' pram in there that didn't have a name, and the wooden skiff I built never got the name board carved, but it was always "GULL". Dinghies don't always get a name, but it's common if they belong to a yacht.

Here's a link to Boldwater Graphics for some ideas of how some fellows get their fishing boat names applied, and there are some great boat names for sure:
These folks had a lot of influence on how I developed my boat name and the graphics to go with it. They do charge a pretty penny for them, and either paint on or use the same graphic process I did.

I'm sure it's way too bold and 'in your face' for some of you, but we have a lot of fun with it and get tons of thumbs-up. When it's time to sell the buyer can decide if he wants it or not. If not, the vinyl is removable and then we'll buff out the hull. My boat doesn't get sunshine on the hull except when it's in the water. The rest of the time its on the trailer with a cover. I don't expect much fading to have to worry about it. The cut-out boot stripe is easily replaced.

One of the funnest things we do is cruise the harbors here in so-Cal and look at boats and boat names. I'm thinking you must feel your smaller Grady isn't good enough for a name, and that's just not true. Name her something that means something to you, and have a little fun with it!

BTW, my services are for hire, albiet it's definately a sideline for me 8)

I named my boat "Kleen'd Me-Out" because I joked to the guy that sold the boat that I wouldn't have any money left after the deal.

So the name stuck !!

Jeff D
We named our 228G Dea Latis. The boat is named after the goddess of water and beer. I'm going to have the name made out of vinyl. I'm just not sure if I should put the name on the port and starboard sides or on the starboard side of the stern?
I couldn't have a boat without the name and i couldn't have a boat with a name I didn't like. Hence I have changed names on 2 boats that i bought secondhand.
Selecting names is fun and the whole family is allowed suggestions ......luckily I get to choose.
Our latest a 265 express didn't have a name at all. however it is possible to see where the old name was before purchase. She has been called TANAMI aboriginal for "never dry" we intend to use her a lot.
Previous boats were named "Tunnel Vision " a cat hull. "Salinity" a 26 Haines Hunter (australian iconic hull) "Hair Razor" i owned a hair salon.
It is very important to remember the name is also for radio transmission so should be brief and easily pronounced.
I do think names along the sides of boats rarely improve their appearance...hence we look for a place on the transom, cabin sides or as in the 265 on the cabin front. And the size of the lettering or graffic if you must, should be suited to the size of the vessel the space you have to write on and the exsisting model names ,manufacturer etc.. Also choose colours that work with what you already have ie. my Grady has gold backgound lettering with a navy blue over the top. If it is done well a name can add to the appearance of a boat.....done badly it not only looks worse but detracts from the resale. The purchasers of my last 2 boats have insisted on keeping the names and said they really liked them . Unfortunately I have never been lucky enough to find someone elses boat name that i liked enough to keep.
Yes, name your boat, it's part of the fun of it all. Boat names are very much part of the yachting and sport-fishing culture.

I couldnt agree more!


When we bought the bimini,we sat one afternoon,wife 3-kids and me, to figure out the "best" name for our new boat.I had go online and get some boat names and also we thought of some names, but nobody seem to agree on one name. We were trying to solve the problem for couple of hours, when my oldest son puts a Metallica cd,just to cool things out.After a while NOTHING ELSE MATTERS played on the cd and we all looked at each other with a smile on our faces.Well, the rest is history.
PS. I do have the same problem as gradyfish does, but oh well.
When we bought the bimini,we sat one afternoon,wife 3-kids and me, to figure out the "best" name for our new boat.I had go online and get some boat names and also we thought of some names, but nobody seem to agree on one name. We were trying to solve the problem for couple of hours, when my oldest son puts a Metallica cd,just to cool things out.After a while NOTHING ELSE MATTERS played on the cd and we all looked at each other with a smile on our faces.Well, the rest is history.
PS. I do have the same problem as gradyfish does, but oh well.

It is stories like this that make the boat fun to talk about!!!

The boat next to me at my marina is a 28' Bayliner that the couple spends every weekend on..... they had the boat for a while and could not agree on a name.... back and forth the couple went with different names.... after a while, naming the boat became "The Great Debate" hence, that is the name of there boat! :D

Pretty cool hugh!

The name on my 29 Blackfin Flybridge was "Pescadera", who the original owner, a Spaniard, had named her. I liked it, and kept that name on the boat. All of my Grady's including the present one, (4 total), have been named O D Y S S E A. Seems like I'm stuck in a rut, huh? :D
I came across our boat name while studying history in college years ago in Melbourne Australia. I knew someday I’d have my first dream boat and was always looking for the right name.

It’s from the late 1600s.
"1. Also called vedette boat. a small naval launch used for scouting."

In the gallery on the Adventure section: ... ge=4&cat=4
Vedette and Chum Along in lower right hand corner and more.

If in fact anyone goes thru the process mentioned earlier regarding summoning Posiedon/Neptune in re-naming a boat, remember that the most important and often unmentioned step is to return to the same spot the next day and release a handful of aspirin into the sea in order to gain final acceptance.
I cant decide what to name my thinking about Interceptor or Tuna Helper. :(