how much gas in my tank ?


Jul 25, 2012
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Anybody got any ideas - 208 Adventure, I think its an 81 gallon tank - how much is in there with one mark showing on the digital indicator. Trying to figure out the amount of stabil mix for winter storage
Thanks for the help
Dose the tank with Stabil for 80 gallons. Then fill the tank before you store the boat. Don't leave all that air space in there for condensation on the inside of the tank.
Britfish said:
Anybody got any ideas - 208 Adventure, I think its an 81 gallon tank - how much is in there with one mark showing on the digital indicator. Trying to figure out the amount of stabil mix for winter storage
Thanks for the help

I have an Adventure 208 and my gauge indicates 10 bars at 8 gallons per bar. I believe my tank will hold 84 gallons, but I may have just overfilled it once upon a time. For what its worth, in my neck of the woods (New Hampshire) my mechanic always has me leave the boat with half a tank over the winter. We treat with Stabil and condensation has not been a problem. In addition, he likes the idea that new fuel can go on top of the old if there is ageing.
ocnslr said:
Dose the tank with Stabil for 80 gallons. Then fill the tank before you store the boat. Don't leave all that air space in there for condensation on the inside of the tank.
Good advice , keep the tank full, if you don't have air in it you won't get condensation as long as you don't use ethanol.
1 Bar, 30 gals, Flashing 1 Bar, 20 gals. My 208 was flashing and I put in 65 gals, but it had been flashing for awhile. I was trying to run it low.
82 gallons or so.
The interpretation of the gauge depends on the angle of the boat. It is quite easy to got from 6 bars with two fisherman aft to two bars when those folk move to the helm.
When there is one bar and it is flashing, you have 20 gallons or less. When you see three bars change to two bars, you have approx 40 gallons or half a tank. Every eight to ten additional gallons or so will add one bar but don't bet your safety on the reading alone. For the record, I have never topped off my tank for winter storage, nor do I run it dry. I try to end up with 30 gallons or so of fuel and add a quart of Stabil to that. I take the boat for a short run to mix things up and than haul it for the winter. I have never had water in the fuel, separator or filter bowl. I do check and replace when needed my fuel filler O-ring. My boat is stored in NYC.
I pretty much know what my consumption is for my type of boating and I know my trip distance from GPS. I compare my rough estimate of fuel burn to the gauge reading as a double check. For the record, I have averaged about 1.8nm per gallon on a SX150 Yami, half tank fuel average load and 2-3 total passengers. This average is based on 6+ years of records.
Empty - heard the one about a potential bomb on your hands
Full - nasty seperated gas for the start of the new season
Half full / half empty
So many differing opinions
Thanks for the indication on fuel gauge amount, thats what I needed.
I owned an 24' explorer which had two tanks and always ran them as empty as possible treated and pulled the boat in early november, in early april i would manually drain the tanks by disconnecting the primer bulb and "pumping" remaining fuel out into a portable tank, then i would check for water with the ink and never had any, then i would put the fuel in cars to burn, never had a problem with this system.

Now that i own a 29' i leave full,treat and pull around thanksgiving and store till late march and no issue with this process either.......many ways to skin this cat
The 208 holds 82 gallons of fuel. If you have Yamaha power, I would use their products. I use their fuel conditioner/stabilizer @ 1 ounce per 3 gallons during normal season running. For storage,they recommend 1 ounce per gallon. I always add ring free @ 1 ounce per 10 gallons. Just to play it safe I also add Startron @ 1 ounce per 8 gallons for storage or 1 ounce per 15 gallons during regular season. I also use non ethanol fuel. Cheap insurance.

I buy the Yamaha ring free and fuel conditioner from, so I always plenty of it on hand at a reasonable price. Now if only gas prices would come down.
Doesn't matter if you "Over Dose" with the Stabil.You can't hurt it. I use a product called "Stor-n-Start" works great -- either product is good. Figure for the maximum capcity of the tak and you can't go wrong. As for store it full or half or empty -- The jury seems to still be out on that. I store mine FULL!
Don't forget to run the engine(s) for 10 minutes or so so the stbilzer reaches the engine(s).