How to Clean Hydraulic Steering Fluid from Fiberglass


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2006
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Of course while taking out the steering RAM I am replacing, I spilled fluid all over the engine well. Any advice for cleaning? My local mechanic says a strong commercial cleaner...simple green type....will do the job, but then again, his boat is a mess!
What have you tried? Did Simple Green not work? There's no special remedy here - and you really can't hurt gelcoat as long as you don't use an abrasive. SG, Dawn, acetone... whatever works.
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haven't tried anything yet, just didnt want to make more of a mess....if thats possible!
I think Simple Green is good, or you can use cleaner for fiberglass such as Star Brite Ez-On Ez-Off, MaryKate MK2032 On Off,...
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haven't tried anything yet, just didnt want to make more of a mess....if thats possible!
The longer you wait the harder it will be to remove the stain/ Try the mildest solution first and if that doesn't work, move on to something stronger. I would try WD40 first. Rub it around after sitting a bit. Rinse with soap and water and dry and if there are still stains, try Barkeepers Friend , the one that says it's OK for non stick pans.
If that doesn't work, you can try the On-Off options for hull cleaning. Whatever you do, after removing the stain, wax the area.