How to post pics/videos??

I posted a "How To" earlier this year. Some responses suggested it's easier to get a Photobucket account. That's debatable. There are as many steps to doing it that way if you include uploading images to that site first. I have an account and use it sometimes but this is just as easy for the occasional pic poster who may not want, for whatever reason, to use an imaging site like Photobucket. It's all about what you are comfortable doing. When you've done it once, it's a snap.

Videos are a different animal. I have a YouTube account and posted the URL link (Web Address) to direct the reader to my video. I have only done that once for a trim tab issue.

Here's what I posted for pic posting and I'll add a few more steps to help:

Most cameras today take high resolution pictures that are in the "Megabytes" range. What is needed is to reduce it to the "Kilobyte" range. Reduce the size, and I don't mean change it from an 8x10 to a 3x5. You need to open the picture in a program on your computer and "Resize" the picture so that when saved, the Electronic Size or File Size is smaller. In most cases for me (I use a 16 megapixel camera and my phone is 8 megapixels, the optimum file size should less than 100 Kilobytes. Often smaller, in the 50 kilobyte range.

For Windows users, the program "Paint" works great. Mac users, I'm sure you have a similar program.

1. Locate the picture you want to post on your computer Do not open it.
2."Right Click" on file, choose "Open With", choose "Paint" (I think most computers have it)
3. At the top, after it opens, Click "Resize".
4. Default options in the box should be - "Percentage" & "Maintain Aspect Ratio"
5. Change "Horizontal" to 25% (my usual choice), "Vertical" will automatically change to match.
6. Choose "File Save As", rename it and save. RECOMMENDED!!! Don't mess with the original.
7. It is now ready to upload to Great Grady...
8. Below the composition space of your post is a tab to "Upload Attachment". Click on it.
9. Click on "Choose File".
10. Locate the resized picture you want to upload, click on it once and click "Open".
11. You will see the file name in the box. Next to that box click "Add The File"
12. You are given a space to write a comment about the picture. This is optional.
13. Click on "Place Inline". The picture code is now placed in the composition frame.
14. Repeat for another picture if desired.
15. Submit your post

Three things...

Note the file size of the picture I uploaded is only 20 KB, Not MB (Megabytes!) Plenty big enough.

If you have already written your post, you may want to highlight the code and move it either by "cut and paste" or by "dragging" the highlighted code to your desired location. Be sure to include the brackets, it is part of the picture code now!

If when you are posting and upload a picture, do a preview to test your posting. If it is still too big, delete, resize and upload again. I always preview my postings, I have FAT FINGERS!!! Remember though, if you resize a copy of your picture and reduced it to 25%, reducing it again will be a reduction of the copy so try 80% then test post.

Hope this helps.


  • 61DS6Ra0DgL._SY355_.jpg
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