How to remove dome-light lens

Capt Bill

GreatGrady Captain
Mar 23, 2005
Reaction score
First State
I wanted to remove the dome-light lens; the one mounted under the hardtop electronics' box, and couldn't get it. Tried "palming" it and turning ccw, but no luck. The two screws inside the box, holding the fixture to the box, must be machine screws with nuts, as one of them cannot be loosened or tightened.

So, who knows how to remove that plastic lens, to change the bulb? geez... sometmes the simplest things.... :roll:
It does pop off. I think there's a small slit at the edge of the lense. If not, just try the smallest slotted screw driver you can find.
I think there was a thread on this a while ago. You might want to do a forum search.
Dome light

On my 1997 Islander it is a pop off dome. Small flat blade around the edge to work it out.

If you need switches search for a previous post I did with DigiKey part #'s - inexpensive exact or upgrade replacements.
I'll look at it again, and try the small screwdriver. Just don't want to crack it. I did a forum search for several variations of "dome light", but came up empty, so that's why I posted. My switches are fine, but I want to tighten the one mounting screw inside the radio box, that won't tighten.

Thanks for the replies.
gw204 said:
My boat has a working dome light under the e-box. Wanna trade? :D

Mine does too, Brian. It's just got a screw loose. But that doesn't mean I do. :lol:
Capt Bill- does the dome light have a "white" and a "red" light or just the red for night vision? Reason for my question is that mine only has the red light working.
Captn Bill. Had to replace the spreader switch in mine last year. There was a small set screw in the depression on the ring of the lense/frame towards the bow. Taking that out allowed the lense to be removed. Yours maybe different but I didn't initially see the screw until I got my head all the way up under to look.
Use a very thin feeler gauge to slip between the lense and housing.
Worked for me.

The lens snaps on and off but it is a little tricky. Thin tool helps pry it off. Be gentle.

On my Marlin there are two white bulbs. One of the bulbs has a red translucent rubber covering that is very difficult to replace- no one has one and the original is starting to deteriorate.
OK. Braved the wind and cold to go on the boat to check it out. I took a set of feeler gauges with me (thanks for that tiip), and slipped one in between the lens and the fixture and found that there are 4 places that stopped the feeler gauge, as I slid it around. So, there are 4 shallow plastic tabs that fit into slots inside the ring.

No screws showing, or any other means of attachment, so I used a thicker feeler, and pried near one of the tabs. The lens started coming away from the base, so moved and pried again. Ta da! Got it.

Tightened up the one loose screw (there are nuts inside the fixture, but one was not on), cleaned both bulbs, and put it back together.

The bulbs, BTW, look like the little 12w landscape lighting bulbs, in case you want to keep a spare on hand. Another little project off the list. :D
Does anyone know how to remove the fixture to change the switches? I took the cover off... took both nuts off the mounting screws and this thing is still mounted solid can’t budge it. What he holding it on still??