Not sure where your getting your info on fuel efficiency's, out of the other two mentioned engines, it burns the most gas. No to mention it is the loudest. The HPDI is the second loudest and the E-Tec the quietest. Yes Optimax's have improved a ton over their original models which were exceptionally prone to problems. Pricewise the Optimax will be cheaper and the DTS system is a nice system. Honestly who cares about the looks..buying an engine for looks?....ridiculous!! I work in the marine industry and have extensive knowledge of many manufacturers and their products. Engines should be bought for whats under the cowling, or for what the buyer is comfortable with running on their boat. Like many have said before, the most important thing these days is what dealership/brand you, the buyer are most comfortable with. We can all debate what engine is better, but honestly we are all partial to our own brands even if we claim we are not. All of these engines in the end are good engines but it seems like some posting on this are SALESMEN trying to sell a particular brand. Instead of selling one product, give the pros and cons of your experience with each motor, or of friends who have them so that this buyer can make the right choice for himself. We are not buying this engine, HE is. Good luck with the repower sinclair. Let us know what you choose and how it comes out.
They've all been our for a while.
Parts are more common but oil?
What do you see more of at marinas? (It isn't black)
Some of the things I've heard about DTS, I don't think I want it.
They do have nice props and you just match the hubs.
They're all overpriced but it's what the market will bear.

I've had good luck with Johnsons and Yami's the things that went bad were not the engine's fault) and if I still worked for Mercury and could get a great deal I would probably buy a pair when the time comes. If you ever pick up an engine from a warehouse, don't piss off the guy driving the forklift. You don't want to know what happens.

Get what you're comfortable with and weigh all the pros and cons.
Sorry gradyfish, but I have to disagree with you that the looks of an engine should have no bearing on the purchase. That's like saying the look of a boat has nothing to do with the purchase.

That being said, you probably can't go wrong with any engine from Yamaha, Merc., Evinrude, Suzuki or Honda...although those Honda are butt ugly. :D

My personal preference is Merc. I've had two V6 150s and they were flawless. One of those was a 1985, never rebuilt that I bought in 2000.
gradyfish22 said:
Not sure where your getting your info on fuel efficiency's, out of the other two mentioned engines, it burns the most gas. No to mention it is the loudest. The HPDI is the second loudest and the E-Tec the quietest. Yes Optimax's have improved a ton over their original models which were exceptionally prone to problems. Pricewise the Optimax will be cheaper and the DTS system is a nice system.

Just about every test out there comparing engines shows the OptiMax to be on top when it comes to fuel economy (even against 4 strokes - I do better than my buddy who has the same boat as me with an F225). This doesnt count slow trolling or a near idle as many fisherman spend their time. The OptiMax stratisfies the fuel even at low rpms making for a very low fuel burn at idle. My Optimax burns 0.3-0.5gph while trolling for stripers. The HPDI does not do this and burns 50-70% more fuel at idle. I know that doesnt amount to much fuel over and hour but it is still more fuel efficient. At higher rpms the fuel burn rates become more similar as the high pressure of the fueling enables the HPDI to create smaller fuel droplets for a cleaner burn. The etec supposively can compete with the Opti at lower rpms but is said to burn more rich and less lean air fuel ratios at speed. Since this is a discussion of 200hp motors I will point to test results here for evidence: http://www.bwbmag.com/output.cfm?ID=1059625

Grog, what have you heard of the DTS system to be bad? I have yet to hear of one bad thing and believe you will see the other manufacturers adding it to their line ups in the future. Yam now has it on the F350 and zuke to the new DF300. I see no downsides and have yet to read or hear of a problem with Mercs dts system. It is all upside from my experience. I will never replace a throttle cable! Big thing is no throttle creep!

To the original poster, I agree with the others that they are all good and to decide based on a dealer. however when you have several good dealers to chose from some special features like DTS especially with twins could sway the decision. It is worth checking out at least!
I don't have first hand experience but what people say. Many say neutral is vague at best, some say there is no detent. That's scary! Another part I don't like is the electronics dictate when and how the gears are engaged. If you're cruising along and have to stop in a hurry, it will take time for the engine to slow down before it goes into reverse. Yes this will save some idiots from grenading their lower units (and possible swamping), but I would rather risk hurting the lower unit and have full control.

In that article it said the '06 HPDI would have run away with some of the tests but they tested an '05 model. They even said there wasn't any clear winner. It would have been good to see a test on a 22'-23' center console or walk with the Verado, Opti, HPDI, F series, Honda, ETEC, ETEC HO, and the same hull with an I/O.
Sinclair - you purchased the wrong boat for the V6 4 strokers, unless you are willing to drop to twin 175s, if so, look at the Suzuki 175. It's weight is similar to the V6 bombardier, Yamaha, and Merc 2strokers.

You boat was fitted new by Grady with twin 175s and also 200s, most sold were 200s - the max boat nameplate HP.

Since you like Honda, why not contact them and say you are in need of a 175HP inline 4 cyl Honda?

Yamaha is another one with a couple of holes in their 4 stroke product line: at 175 and 300HP. Congrats to Suzuki, who has both.
You can see if the 4 cyl. Verado gets the blessing from GW. They weigh just over 500 pounds. Finest Kind has 175's on his 80's Sailfish, you can ask him how it was with them (he now has 200's).
No way does black look better then white on a Grady. How can you beat this look.

The lines on that motor are awesome, but c'mon. If you wanna display the stars and stripes, do it from an outrigger halyard. Those graphics are awful. Almost looks like a HIPPIE-TEC. :D
B-Faithful said:
The black trim of the boat with the black motor is oh so sexy :lol:

So true...althought the trim is more of a navy blue. :D



Man, I was a dumb @$$ for selling that boat... :cry:

Much better than this.... I mean, c'mon...why paint motors the color of a cloudy day? :lol: :lol: :lol:

You will find like stated above all the outboards OEM's going to a system like DTS. It is cheaper for them to produce these systems then the cable versions. I have run a few boats with the DTS and I love it. Like stated above there is no real neutral detent. But boy it is smooth. I have not heard of any problem with it but im not a Mercury dealer so I have no idea.
For the first few trips neutral was a bit odd (especially since I had tight cables on my last boat). However within a couple of trips the detent for is easily found. I havent noticed it to be a problem at all in the 3 seasons I have had it now. I love the lack of throttle creep when running, silky smooth operation that makes it easier to set a trolling speed (with DTS and the industry leading smartcraft system you get the "troll Control" feature as well), no grinding gear engagements, etc. However with twins the auto syncronization is fantastic. Makes me wish I had it on my Pro-line 2950.

since I have been touting I will also state negatives to the OptiMax.
1. Require a good strong battery to start and keep running -- keep at least 2 on the boat
2. louder and "less refined" than the etec and hpdi
3. expensive plugs at ~$18 ea (I get 200 hours out of my plugs before changing)
4. Sensative to in-line fuel filters (merc originally didnt allow an in line filter with the Opti and only the under the cowl - now allow an in-line with 3/8" ID lines in and out of the filter with few bends in the line)

They are my gripes of the motor. With that said, My 04 has never let me down or had a hiccup.
Much better than this.... I mean, c'mon...why paint motors the color of a cloudy day?

This photo was taken on a cloudy day, and the Yammies still look good! :D
Luuuuuv them Yammies :mrgreen: Oh yea; luv'em.
what it really comes down to is

FACTORY TRAINED TECHS must be up-to-date also!!!

all motors are good, just need a good dealer with good techs