Is Eisenglass or equivalent standard on Grady White boats


Jan 24, 2022
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Freedom 235
Hi, I could use a little feedback. I just bought a new Freedom 235 Grady White boat and was out with a captain who was helping me learn more about the area and boat...He asked me about where the Eisenglass was for my boat. He said it should come with the boat but I never got such a thing. Is it true that it should come with the boat or is it an option that perhaps I didn't purchase? Thanks!
Just to make things more accurate, eisenglass , sometimes called Isinglass is a generic term for clear vinyl. There are several popular brands of clear vinyl, Strataglass being one of the better known companies. Your captain friend was really asking about canvas enclosures ( many of which would have some clear panels.
listed as options on your model. as said, check purchase agreement to see if you ordered them.
GW uses Strataglass (another type of plastic glass that some believe is better) and a cream color fabric called Staymoid (a waxy fabric that is easy to clean and care for) where others use a canvas like material Sunbrella. Both are solid performers. You may be able to order the enclosure kit from A&J Canvas in Vanceboro NC (ask for Lee) if they have the pattern. They make the stock ones for GW.
A&J has an agreement with Grady-White and won't sell enclosure pieces to general public unless boat is at least 3 years old. Check sales order as enclosure is an option. You'll have to go through your dealer for OEM or someone else other than A&J, if you want one done aftermarket.
What kind of top does your boat have, hardtop or Bimini? Did you get any canvas at all, like a cover, or a mooring cover that snaps to the windshield, and covers back to the transom, and a snap in bow cover?
You need something for sun, rain, and UV protection.
I would find it odd that the GW sales staff would not have discussed enclosure options when putting together a sales contract. Something must be missing when the boat was delivered.
There was a shortage of enclosures and covers a while back; supply issues or just Covid related manpower issues. Grady was having a tough time getting the canvas options from their supplier. The supplier was having a tough time manufacturing the products and stopped taking orders from customers other than the boat manufacturers. Perhaps the dealers just stopped asking since the options weren't available. Regardless, check your sales order to make sure you got what your were promised.
Be prepared for sticker shock if you have to order the options (assuming you can get them in a reasonable time frame
Need to update my previous post. At least a year and a half old and older, A&J can make you an enclosure.
I am pretty sure they stopped taking orders due to supply chain issues. Perhaps they have re-started order taking. Regardless, it doesn't help the OP
I agree with what the others have said in that it's optional equipment that maybe you didn't purchase with the boat? It does seem odd that you'd order a brand new boat and the salesperson didn't ask if you wanted any canvas enclosures. If they're on backorder for a long time, maybe it's just a waiting game at this point? I personally rarely ever use the canvas I've had on my previous boats as well as the ones I have on my current boat. I'm admittedly more of a fairweather fisherman though in that it's usually 70° and sunny outside when I'm out fishing, so I leave the canvas off to cool down the helm area. In all of the years I've owned boats I've only used it once and that was doing a fishing derby with a buddy when we went out in March and it was 30° and snowing that day. Even then, some thermals on underneath my jeans and sweatshirt were about all I needed.
Didn't know there was an interruption on enclosures. Good to know Seasick.
I'm guessing you can call A&J and see what it would cost as a ballpark. When I ordered mine, nobody asked the year. At least for my boat, it would not have mattered as the design is essentially the same.
What kind of top does your boat have, hardtop or Bimini? Did you get any canvas at all, like a cover, or a mooring cover that snaps to the windshield, and covers back to the transom, and a snap in bow cover?
You need something for sun, rain, and UV protection.
I have a hard top...I ordered enclosure covers for the front and back for storage purposes but didn't order any strataglass or equivalent that would be used while operating the boat or during inclement weather while on my dock or out
I’d order direct from AJ.
if you go through GW ensure they install and set all the snaps and lift the dots. Your paying the mark up so they should be fully installed and fit perfectly.