Is it time for a Grady transom "sticky"?

family affair

Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2010
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No ill intent by this proposal, but is it time for a Grady transom sticky? Or "What to look for when buying an older Grady"? Seems like we have on average 2 threads a week on this subject. Not that I want to hide anything, but it isn't helping the brand or our resale. It would be similar to seeing a bi weekly post on a German car forum complaining that the cars are a money pit after 60k miles. Shocker.
Every manufacturer has its issues. Grady takes the cake for lack of robustness for a sealed transom despite the high price of admission. It's no secret at this point, but the dead horse beating is is getting a little long in the tooth. Maybe I just need to look at more puppy posts in my wife's Facytweet account?
Was never a big fan, just wasn't impressed by the cosmetics. But when I had a chance to get a good deal on my 180 I took it and dove right in.
I was certainly surprised to discover all the transom issues and had to have some work done on mine before splashing it for the first time.
I like my boat, the layout and ride, but still disappointed in the ubiquitous transom issues. I expected better on something so obvious that has been an issue for so long.
Actually, I'm surprised they were still using wood transoms. I figured they'd be one of the first to change that.
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One would think the short sighted decision on the transom build process would haunt the brand, but considering they couldn't build them fast enough over the past 6 years would certainly discredit that point.
Sorry to see your experience, but considering you still have it tells me you found enough to like about the boat to keep it despite needing to pay for the wart removal.
No denying the issue… but IS it an issue or WAS it an issue? Was it model dependent? The ones I've read about are boats from the 90's. are all the 2000's marlins/sailfish, etc suspect?
Mine is a 2004. I caught it in time, had to have it cleaned out and glassed over.
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Mine is a 2004. I caught it in time, had to have it cleaned out and glassed over.
Hello Bob i have a 2001 26’6 Grady express - I thought the transom was bad was going to have it replaced cost over 12,000 - the shop was decent said it did not need to be done as water is getting in from one of the well scupper fixed that but i think the outside gelcoat laminate is separated from the transom core - i mostly am going to do nothing but fish with it - but liked your glassed over IMG_3143.jpeg please let me know how it’s done.
fish Islamorada for 3 months Lake, Michigan for three months And I’ve been hauling the boat back-and-forth for 20 years.
No denying the issue… but IS it an issue or WAS it an issue? Was it model dependent? The ones I've read about are boats from the 90's. are all the 2000's marlins/sailfish, etc suspect?
It is an issue. Even if water gets in the composite areas if it gets cold, the glass will delam from the core. The opportunity is on every boat built. Every boat built from 1990s forward is a potential failure. You can address it by staying on top of - bang plate and top edge corners, garboard plug and drain tubes.
i dont really think a sticky here will save the brand or our resale value. the fact that grady hasnt changed their process underscores this as it hasnt hurt their sales
i dont really think a sticky here will save the brand or our resale value. the fact that grady hasnt changed their process underscores this as it hasnt hurt their sales
I get your point, but would argue it has hurt sales. However it hasn't hurt sales for new boats enough for them to make a change. For the used market it is a different story.
If we had a sticky page we wouldn't have to repeat our displeasure every week....
maybe we could get past the rant and have a single good source to point to for what to look for and what to do to fix things(with pictures)

Grady sells NEW boats not 20yo used boats. All transom problems come after 20+ years. Most prominently on boats that are kept in the water or left on a trailer under a tree for 5 years...
If you buy a 20yo+ boat, no matter the brand, you are in 'rebuild/refit/renovate/repower' territory. Thats why they are a quarter the price of a new one. You should expect the day will come.
This holds true for Whalers and Wellcrafts and ProLines and Parkers and Bertrams and Bayliners...

Yes, for the price of their new boats, they should glass over the seam. They should use waterproof composite in the transom and stringers.
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I don't think it matters much if the thread is sticky because the next owner that has the issue likely isn't happy, isn't going to the sticky board, and likely not searching previous threads either.
I'm betting all will post like everyone has done here for 20 years. Nobody's fault, it's just easier to post and share their story. It's good therapy for what they are feeling, finding comfort in others that had the same experience and for what is coming in terms of time, cost and aggravation.

What is concerning to me is they have known about this problem for years and there is no evidence that much has been done to address it. I don't think making the bang plate bigger and out of stainless steel matters much. The company quietly pays original owners who bought the boat new (not resales) who complain about the problem. Likely for one reason, they are the population that is most likely to buy new again so why chase them off. Don't fret if you didn't buy new, the payment only takes the edge off.

The company stakes their reputation on superb engineering, listening to customers, keeping customers happy, good enough isn't good enough, over building boats because the sea does not compromise... yady yady ya... I'm at the point that I say: Can you please just fix the issue...

If I ever bought a new one with current workmanship, I'd work my best deal and write into the deal that is must be glasses over at manufacturers cost or no deal. Maybe, in the future it will come glassed.
It would be great to ask someone from Grady to join this forum (maybe that has already been done...?!) It would also be interesting to see if we can set up a call/zoom with production at Grady (kind of like a virtual tour, if you will). Would be fun to ask questions, talk "shop" and inadvertently ask about transoms :)
It would be great to ask someone from Grady to join this forum (maybe that has already been done...?!) It would also be interesting to see if we can set up a call/zoom with production at Grady (kind of like a virtual tour, if you will). Would be fun to ask questions, talk "shop" and inadvertently ask about transoms :)
You should expect this to happen right after Yamaha admits charging customers too much for parts.