Just wanted to update this thread on my progress should anyone want to take this project on for their own boat. Floor was cut out in forward compartment. Tunnel placement has 3" clearance behind it and access under tunnel for fiberglass work. The hull at the base on the tunnel is 10" wide. Tunnel tube extends out in the front and bottom part of the tunnel and a spoiler formed to deflect water away from back of tunnel. Finished tunnel is 12" wide at base (Vetus spec).
As I said above in this post Side-Power gives you more placement options with a narrower tunnel but less thrust. Also smaller HP motor gives you more runtime on battery. I went with a group 34 AGM (24 pounds lighter than a group 31, MCA is close but capacity is half).
A little hard to see but tunnel edges are 1/2" radius and extend out on forward / bottom and taper back to flush at top and rear
Final installation of battery, switch, fuse, charger and motor. Glassed in supports for floor and screwed it down. Hopefully it will never have to come up.
I need to mount control at helm and run a charging shunt from other engine for on-the-water charging. Splash next month. Came in around $3,000 doing it myself. Then estimate I got from a Florida company that does this everyday was $8,000. But I'll tell you they work hard for that $5,000. Cramped space, standing on your head,, bruised ribs, dusty dirty work.