jabsco marine head system question


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2019
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New to me.....I have a 2001 Grady 268 Islander. Has the Jabsco manual marine sea water pump head system. It also has the option to pump out at sea. I am assuming there is a macerating system , looks to be attached to the top plate of the holding tank. Again I am only assuming by what I can see looking in the inspection port.

Above the head, behind the toilet about eye level there is a holding tank level indicator, as well as a discharge button.
I have not been able to power the display on the level indicator.
Does someone know if this power source is automatically turned on when the boat is powered on or is this usually on an accessory switch button or is there possibly a fuse that has blown inline to this head control?

My research from Jabsco says all waste lines should be replaced every 5 to 7 years also... has anyone had to replace their waste lines?

the boat is 18 years old but only has 230 hours so I cant imaging the head has that much use.

Thanks, Vin
Normally there is a head breaker in the panel. There should be 2 valves, one for incoming water for the manual pump and one for discharge (if I remember correctly). The sequence to empty is as follows: ensure you are in a legal zone to do so, open seacock to the thru hull (should be near the tank), press the discharge button on the panel (mine uses a key that you turn to start the macerator), tank lights should go from red, to yellow to green (indicating empty) and macerator should shut down. Open breaker in the panel, close valve and you should be good to go. Open/close the intake raw water seacock.
I have found the 2 valves , intake and discharge. By panel, do you mean switch panel at the helm?
On the Sailfish there is a fuse panel up under the helm area. The fuse to the head is on this panel. its small and has about 8 fuses on it. The fuse is a 25 amp. There is also an inline fuse close to the macerator. The one that has blown on my boat has been the 25 amp on the fuse panel.
Fantastic, thanks, I'll check it when I have a chance. Thanks
I checked the fuse panel yesterday, only 20 amp fuses, no blown fuses, ill have to look for the inline fuse
Vince is the power issue with just the tank level or is it with the tank level and the macerator / pumpout?
both I believe, I was a little hesitant to push the pump out button seeing that the boat is in my yard, But I took a chance, why not Columbus did.
so, I pushed the pump out button & nothing happened
I am having the same issue with my 2001 265 express. I have replaced the 25 amp fuse but still no power to the pump out panel. I guess I’ll look for that in line fuse. Or maybe the panel is bad?
I cant search till Friday or Saturday, let me know if you find it before I do please.
I also have fluid waste coming into the bottom of my toilet. I priced the pump assembly and gaskets, for not much more money I can get the whole toilet with pump new, so I think that's the route I am going to go.
if the head is good aside from the leaking back into the bowl, all you need to do is to replace a rubber valve called a joker valve. Replacing this will stop the back flow for several year. About 20 bucks
you'll have to measure the voltage at the pump. if there, either a switch (unlikely) or the pump may be bad or wedged.
The pump depending on the model may have a slotted 'screw' on its rear to allow you to free up a jammed impeller.
If there is an 'un-jamb' slotted shaft, it may have a cover that you need to swing out of the way. The cover may have a set screw that needs to be loosened. Often the whole cover assembly freezes up and the cover my have to be bent out of the way.
Usually there are two macerators, one as part of the head itself, and a second one near the tank and ocean discharge port.
Not 100% sure on the manual Jabsco heads, but I believe there is only one pump. You could try a pump out station (if avail) and see if you can get as much out as possible. Then work water into the tank and repeat a few times to get what you can via the deck waste port. At least if you have to go chumming, you won't be up to your elbows in it....
Not sue on the manuals either but the electric flush has a macerator at the head electric unit and the main one in the holding tank
Didn't know... Thanks as I have an electric one.
The reason I knew is I had two quarters stuck in the first one last summer. I had to dismantle the electric flush to pry them out of the macerator blades :)
I had it pumped when I did a sea trial. I am currently working on preparing for next season to ensure everything is in working order
heres a pic of the top of the holding tank. I do not see an inline fuse. I followed the red ( hot line to the fuse box) its a 20 amp fuse.
I even swapped that fuse out , still nothing at the control box in the head.

I guess I should see if there is power going to the top of the holding tanks next. all those wired look a bit weathered.grady holding tank.jpg