Jimmy's Marine Service

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i had some work done on my boat by jim,all i can tell you is the man flat out knows his stuff.his work is first rate all the way.he explains things straight to the point,he pulls no punches,the advice he gives is worth it's weight in gold.i had a problem with rotting in my boat.i've read this forum and i rarely post anything,i read.i've read posts from a few members regarding certain aspects of repair,i brought these ideas up to jim,while he was inspecting my boat.he showed me what was wrong with the advice i read here,sad but true.he replaced the transom in my boat,along with the fuel tanks and the thru hulls.
his participation in this forum will be missed.i feel as though i need to look somewhere else for good information,i sincerley doubt anyone here has the same level of experience or knowledge as him,a few may think so,but i believe they're wrong.
If he can't behave, let him sit on the far side. He's had enough opportunities to be a mature adult.
whitey said:
i had some work done on my boat by jim,all i can tell you is the man flat out knows his stuff.his work is first rate all the way.he explains things straight to the point,he pulls no punches,the advice he gives is worth it's weight in gold.i had a problem with rotting in my boat.i've read this forum and i rarely post anything,i read.i've read posts from a few members regarding certain aspects of repair,i brought these ideas up to jim,while he was inspecting my boat.he showed me what was wrong with the advice i read here,sad but true.he replaced the transom in my boat,along with the fuel tanks and the thru hulls.
his participation in this forum will be missed.i feel as though i need to look somewhere else for good information,i sincerley doubt anyone here has the same level of experience or knowledge as him,a few may think so,but i believe they're wrong.

Jimmy, is that you?
He is way to expensive in the relationship department. He seems to have a need to denegrate others in an effort to make himself look good. Can you imangine working for this guy? I do not miss him.
Gross Profit said:
whitey said:
i had some work done on my boat by jim,all i can tell you is the man flat out knows his stuff.his work is first rate all the way.he explains things straight to the point,he pulls no punches,the advice he gives is worth it's weight in gold.i had a problem with rotting in my boat.i've read this forum and i rarely post anything,i read.i've read posts from a few members regarding certain aspects of repair,i brought these ideas up to jim,while he was inspecting my boat.he showed me what was wrong with the advice i read here,sad but true.he replaced the transom in my boat,along with the fuel tanks and the thru hulls.
his participation in this forum will be missed.i feel as though i need to look somewhere else for good information,i sincerley doubt anyone here has the same level of experience or knowledge as him,a few may think so,but i believe they're wrong.

Jimmy, is that you?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I have not been on here for awhile but I have a few comments on this dilemma. In June of 06 I received a pm from Jimmy which I interperted as inviting me up to New Jersey for an a$$ whippin. Now Jimmy doesn't know me from Adam. I'm 54 yrs old. Most people are surprized when they meet me because I look like I'm in my early 40's. I'm 6'2, 225lbs, and by my wife's standards a mean individual. One very bad attribute that I have is that I don't tolerate threats very well. Had this pm really been meant for me I would have driven my truck to Jersey and been waiting for him when he opened his shop. Turns out he had a beef with another forum member on here and pm'd me by mistake. He apologized several times and explained the mix up. I got the impression that he is a standup guy. Now I will be the first to admit that he is lacking in some social graces. But, so are a few others on this forum. Now that he is gone it seems people are coming out of the woodwork with their lets bash Jimmy comments. That guy has saved countless people on this forum alot of headaches and alot of money with his advice. I agree with Cummins on the probation. But, Brian may be right. His pride might not let him come back. I am of the opinion that he would come back if allowed. He loves helping people and giving advice. As far as his Grady bashing is concerned, I think it is just a front. Deep down inside I think he really likes Gradys. Why else would he spend so much time on this forum? Alot of people on here call him a braggart. Well, if you can do the high quality work that he does maybe you deserve to brag on yourself. This is human nature. There is not a man on this forum who hasn't bragged about something they have done, me included. I quit coming on here because this forum seemed to be going downhill. It now seems to be on the upslide. And Jim-If you are reading this and ever happen down this way look me up. W'ell have a beer or two and I'll show you a few good fishing holes. Later!

Be carefull.
Threats are the assault part of assault and battery. Handcuff territory, if you care.

The regular contributors to this site over the years have answered and provided a thousand times more high quality, on the money, responses - yet don't assault nor ask for anything in return for experience and advise. We don't play hard to get like so many teenage girls looking for respect . We don't PM members and say - you are really stupid, you really don't know what you are talking about, you are a coward, what's your problem?, etc. All high school crap played out, for me a very long time ago.

We take time from our businesses too, or do you believe our time is of no value but his is ?

GG isn't a democracy or public venue IMHO, I still see the "for Grady Enthusiats" when I log on.
Ignoring rules or being unable to abide by them for whatever reason is all the same. I live by rules all day and the rest of my life.

You each decide who has made this site over the years.

As far as entertainment need and desire one has to laugh and deningrate others, or in search of a mentor to admire in this way, try YouTube to start, plenty of other sites cater to this and have such followings.

I was planning to retire from "active duty" here, but the attacks kept me on - how ironic.
Now I can begin to relax and lay off while the younger members take more of an active day to day role, and yes, many new members coming on lately- no need to wonder why. It is true.

Time has passed on this issue. Let's move on.
That's funny about the PM. I responded to his (Jawz) post for a 1999 "30 [inch]" 200 yamaha gear case on THT. I asked if such a thing existed since I don't think yamaha ever made one.

He sent a couple of threatening PMs to me, with lots of keyboard bravado. Evidently he may think I'm a weak little CPA as well, but unfortunately I don't fit that stereotype. I don't know what we have to duscuss, but I told him to stop by on his way down I95 and have a beer as well.

Jimmy, I know you will read this, so the offer stilll stands. I have no clue what you want to discuss, but we can check out the transom of my Grady and drink a beer. If you don't like Bud Lite, bring your brand.

And give anger management some thought. I've never posted anything about you that is worth threatening PM or otherwise.

Why anyone would do business with a guy like this, even if he is the best glass guy in the world is not clear to me. But hey, it still provides great GG drama!! :D :D
Jimmy is possibly good at what he does in his shop, personally, I have never seen his work so I won't judge. After reading him however, it doesn't matter to me, I did send him one guy that may or may not have used him. There's work for everyone, he won't starve if he never touches a keyboard again. There are other shops in South Jersey that are excellent, and thats who I'll use. Just imagine if you weren't happy with something he did, looks like you'd have another Arktek type to deal with. No thanks. Further, he clearly loves to bash Grady Whites and this is a Grady White OWNERS website. Why not just come on to a site and call every member stupid? Defend him if you like, but he never passes up a single opportunity, on any forum to bash Gradys. I won't miss him, and if he comes back, that's okay too, he nor his posts mean anything to me at all.
This thread just goes on and on and on. I am waiting for the others on this board to start posting how to fix step by step rotted floor panels or bulkheads or transomes or wires. Some of us with the older boats loved to watch this stuff and get great free tips.

In my opinion if we praised him all the time and told him he was right he would have given us more info then we would ever need. And to be blunt I didnt care about his way with words because I was learning. But then others loved to egg him on and this is the result.

Will the site be better? I dont know because I dont come here to chit chat but to learn about things my older boat needs. :wink:
Afishinado said:
Jimmy is possibly good at what he does in his shop, personally, I have never seen his work so I won't judge. After reading him however, it doesn't matter to me, I did send him one guy that may or may not have used him. There's work for everyone, he won't starve if he never touches a keyboard again. There are other shops in South Jersey that are excellent, and thats who I'll use. Just imagine if you weren't happy with something he did, looks like you'd have another Arktek type to deal with. No thanks. Further, he clearly loves to bash Grady Whites and this is a Grady White OWNERS website. Why not just come on to a site and call every member stupid? Defend him if you like, but he never passes up a single opportunity, on any forum to bash Gradys. I won't miss him, and if he comes back, that's okay too, he nor his posts mean anything to me at all.

Why wouldnt a boat mechanic like a Grady White? I feel that they're a great product. Why wouldnt you want to service a quality built boat?

What exactly didnt he like about Gradys.? Quality, ride, looks etc..???
Jimmy had some issues with GW construction techniques. He especially felt water intrustion in transoms was a problem. he also did not like the ride for offshore use. GW, Pursuit, BW, and several other brands use a compromise hull design and tradeoff headsea ride for stability. Some feel a deep V hull is the correct boat for everyone. Others know better.

These opinions have been debated on many boards for a long time. There is no real consensus but here are some interesting tidbits.

o many brand have been found to have water and rot in the transoms and stringers

o older boats seem to be more problematic (imagine that)

o some feel incorrect modifications, drilling, failure to seal, etc. may be to blame, and the culprit may be a dealer, installer, owner, or factory

o GW owners rate their ride very high in satisfaction. Other opinions are meaningless. After all it is YOUR boat.

o GW and most top tier boats will stand behind their product.

This is a summary as best I can recall. There is no need for personal commentary on Jimmy as that has been covered from all angles THOROUGHLY. :wink:
megabytes said:
Jimmy had some issues with GW construction techniques. He especially felt water intrustion in transoms was a problem. he also did not like the ride for offshore use. GW, Pursuit, BW, and several other brands use a compromise hull design and tradeoff headsea ride for stability. Some feel a deep V hull is the correct boat for everyone. Others know better.

These opinions have been debated on many boards for a long time. There is no real consensus but here are some interesting tidbits.

o many brand have been found to have water and rot in the transoms and stringers

o older boats seem to be more problematic (imagine that)

o some feel incorrect modifications, drilling, failure to seal, etc. may be to blame, and the culprit may be a dealer, installer, owner, or factory

o GW owners rate their ride very high in satisfaction. Other opinions are meaningless. After all it is YOUR boat.

o GW and most top tier boats will stand behind their product.

This is a summary as best I can recall. There is no need for personal commentary on Jimmy as that has been covered from all angles THOROUGHLY. :wink:

I disagree. You added your own beliefs to the commentary. I believe Jimmy stated facts about GW and any other boat he found to be sub standard. Not for nothing I own a GW and he is right. Don't knock a professional glass and boat builder because he states facts. Many people don't like his formal approach but when it comes down to business he knows his sh!t and that's that.

I know my business and I won't be swayed either. In fact the only thing I believe Jimmy did wrong is calling out people who are too ignorant to know the facts but would rather argue their stupidity.
Protek9543 said:
megabytes said:
Jimmy had some issues with GW construction techniques. He especially felt water intrustion in transoms was a problem. he also did not like the ride for offshore use. GW, Pursuit, BW, and several other brands use a compromise hull design and tradeoff headsea ride for stability. Some feel a deep V hull is the correct boat for everyone. Others know better.

These opinions have been debated on many boards for a long time. There is no real consensus but here are some interesting tidbits.

o many brand have been found to have water and rot in the transoms and stringers

o older boats seem to be more problematic (imagine that)

o some feel incorrect modifications, drilling, failure to seal, etc. may be to blame, and the culprit may be a dealer, installer, owner, or factory

o GW owners rate their ride very high in satisfaction. Other opinions are meaningless. After all it is YOUR boat.

o GW and most top tier boats will stand behind their product.

This is a summary as best I can recall. There is no need for personal commentary on Jimmy as that has been covered from all angles THOROUGHLY. :wink:

I disagree. You added your own beliefs to the commentary. I believe Jimmy stated facts about GW and any other boat he found to be sub standard. Not for nothing I own a GW and he is right. Don't knock a professional glass and boat builder because he states facts. Many people don't like his formal approach but when it comes down to business he knows his sh!t and that's that.

I know my business and I won't be swayed either. In fact the only thing I believe Jimmy did wrong is calling out people who are too ignorant to know the facts but would rather argue their stupidity.

Amen to that. 8)
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