Look what my friend caught...


Staff member
Jan 23, 2005
Reaction score
...a 78 lb Black Drum! We were fishing from my Grady for Rockfish just north of Kent Narrows, Maryland and my friend pulls in this huge Black Drum on 15 lb test line. We could not believe it. At first, my friend thought he had a large Skate. It took three guys to pull the fish aboard since the net was too small.

15 lb test? That looks like a blast! What did you do with it? I heard after 15 lbs they get wormy.
That's a fine one!

Yes Sir! That is one nice Drum! Catching that one on 15# test makes for a very memorable fish story! Back during the month of May, my first mate "One Eyed John" and I were drifting out of East Pass between St. George Island and Dog Island Florida and found ourselves in a mass of Red Drum. (Redfish) We caught twelve in about 30 minutes, ranging in size from 38" to 41". We estimated that they all weighed around 25 to 30 pounds each. We were the only two on my Grady that day and having a rod in each hand with those big reds hooked up made for a memorable day. Unfortunately because of Florida's slot limit on Reds we had to release them all. But we enjoyed thirty minutes of once in a lifetime fishing! Just wanted to take a second to let you know how much I enjoy this site. It is a wonderful thing! I met a fellow Grady owner about 20 miles away thanks to "Great Grady" and we plan on making some trips into the Gulf as a pair of Gradys. Thanks Again! My congatulations to your friend and that huge drum!