Lorance HDS 7 - older model

A few thoughts that I had on the matter, and I'm by no means an expert or close to it, but the first would be if you've got something in your settings that is making the issue happen? The second would be about the transducer itself, in that is it a powerful enough of a unit to be able to be able to keep up while at speeds? I know that on previous boats, or neighbors/friends boats, that if you get over a certain speed then it's like it can't keep up with the depth readings. I'm thinking this probably shouldn't be an issue at only 15 mph, and on other boats it wasn't usually an issue until 30 mph or more to where the boat was going too fast for the unit to keep up with the depth. That being said, it might be something to look into. It sounds like the problem isn't an issue of where the transducer is placed on the boat considering that it worked fine before and in the same spot, if I'm reading the post correctly? In regards to my above comment about settings, you might try resetting to factory settings and see if that clears up the issue?