Mechanic needed- 05 330 express


New Member
May 6, 2009
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Chesapeake Bay
we are out of the Chesapeake beach area MD. Port engine went out the other day, looking for someone that can make house calls and fix. If not, is it a good idea to travel 1/2 hour on the water with 1 engine to take to someplace I know. 225 Yamaha 4 stroke. Thx.
I am docked in Deale and had a motor quit in Annapolis. It took awhile but made it back on one engine. Tristate does all my work.
I don't think you will have any trouble at all. Just don't try to run wide open, take your time.
I have spoken to Ed Miller on several occasions and find him VERY well informed and most of all I like his attitude of "Don't do cheap -- Do it RIGHT". That's not to say he isn't reasonable -- He just knows his reputation follows him and won't do stuff half-a$$ed!
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Reactions: Dolce Vita
we are out of the Chesapeake beach area MD. Port engine went out the other day, looking for someone that can make house calls and fix. If not, is it a good idea to travel 1/2 hour on the water with 1 engine to take to someplace I know. 225 Yamaha 4 stroke. Thx.
Take your time, You will have no problem at all
you should be able to make 8 knots on one without pushing the rpms too hard... sit back and "weewax" take your time and enjoy the ride !
i drove my sea ray with one of its inboards down and the screw that was not turning was like a giant drift sock. my buddies and i joked that it was nascar boating since it pulled so hard to the left, we found it easier to make 3 left turns rather than a single right. i cant imagine an outboard having that kind of drag, but just be aware of it, was a true bear in my case to get into the slip.